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Ender Dragon

From Hardcore Wiki

The Ender Dragon is one of the primary bosses that you fight in the game, Minecraft, and is one of the most frequent goals used in fan hardcores.

Kill Count[edit | edit source]

Survivors[edit | edit source]

How to Defeat the Ender Dragon[edit | edit source]

Scattered across the End are pillars made of obsidian, each with an End Crystal on top of them, with some being protected by cages made of iron bars. If the Ender Dragon flies near the End Crystals, she will regain some health. The general consensus is to destroy the End Crystals before going for the Ender Dragon, otherwise they'll constantly heal her and will make it more difficult to defeat her.

A common way to destroy the End Crystals is to fire arrows at them from ground level. For the caged Crystals, however, while the clear way is to pillar up and break the iron cage and make a safe surrounding area before destroying it, it is possible to shoot in the crack between the cage and the pillar to be able to destroy it at ground level if the pillar itself is skinny enough. However, you'll still need to be aware of the real threat: the Ender Dragon.

While trying to destroy the End Crystals, the Ender Dragon can still ram into you, either killing you, or knocking you into the air. The Ender Dragon can also fire ender charges that spread out, causing a lingering damage effect. However, once you've destroyed the crystals, you can then turn your attention to the Dragon.

Make sure that when aiming arrows at the Dragon, make sure you don't make eye contact with Endermen, as there are a lot scattered across the End, and even one can end a playthrough.

If the Ender Dragon goes to the fountain center, make sure you use an effective melee weapon to attack her, as in this temporary phase, arrows will not harm her. Additionally, don't attack the Ender Dragon while in front of her, as she will breathe a constant stream of ender charge at where she is facing. Along with that, be careful when the Ender Dragon turns around, as if you're not careful, you and her could collide, putting you at risk of death.

Keep all of this in mind and soon you'll have sapped away all of her health and will have won the battle.

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