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"Yuck, I stepped in a big pile of Monday." - Cri (Nova Minecraft Hardcore)

iCryInMySleep, or simply Cri, is the host and main editor of Squidward Hardcore, Colorcore!, Vinyl Fantasy and many other entries in their Hardcore Series. They are a main in Simoz's Hardcore Series, User's Hardcore Series and Hostcore. Cri was a regular in the lost series Death Wish. They have also been a guest in Mystic Hardcore, Quote's Hardcore Series, AriCore, Toastcore, Renn's Hardcore Series, Team Scallop, Yives Oddysey, One Soul Down and Last Minute Heroes. In addition to being the main editor of their Hardcore Series, they have also been a recurring segment editor for Last Minute Heroes. Cri is the owner of Nova Quest as well as the co-host of it's Hardcore Series. They are an admin on the Hardcore Community Discord Server as well as the owner of and moderator on the Hardcore Wiki.

Hardcore Involvement[edit | edit source]

Participation[edit | edit source]

Main Series
Series Season Username Character Death Episode Death Cause Last Words Place
Simoz MineZ #1 iCrii Toad (Super Mario) 5 Cri tries to fight back, but is sliced by a diamond sword. "Thats not them. Run. Sal. NIPE!" 2nd/7
Squidward MineZ #1 iCrii Squidward (Spongebob) 4 Rushed by a horde of zombies. "This is it boyo! I'm at half a heart! NEAR!" *2nd/7
User MineZ #1 iCrii Spongy (Battle for Dream Island) 10 Cri was pushed by a zombie into lava. "Oh my God! I need help! I'm in lava!" 5th/8
Simoz MineZ #2 iCrii Uncle Jalapeno (LittleBigPlanet) 11 Cri was stomped by the Giant. "No, I'm gonna die!" 3rd/7
Simoz Minecraft #1 iCrii Pineapple Sackboy (LittleBigPlanet) 10 Surrounded by a few Endermen soon after entering The End. "Oh my god, five of them are aggro'd on me! What the fuck!?" 5th/7
User MineZ #2 iCrii Sheldon Cooper (The Big Bang Theory) *8 Cri attempts to start the PVP early and is hit by a hurter then killed by User. "PvP. Kill User! Fight to the death! Kill User! NEAR! I don't wanna play by the rules!" *6th/9
Squidward MineZ #2 iCryInMySleep Squidward (Spongebob) 6 Fell off a disappearing platform into the void because Swanward got off a pressure plate too early. "NO! IT DESPAWNED! SWAN! HOW COULD YOU?!" 5th/7
User MineZ #3 iCryInMySleep Chocola (Nekopara) 13 Alone in the Air Trial, Cri gets hit off the main platform by a zombie into the void. "NO! NOO! NOOOoooo" 3rd/12
Mystic MineZ #1 iCrii Gumball (The Amazing World of Gumball) 8 While trying to attack the giant, It hits him against several walls and he falls off the island into the void. "I attacked it. OH! NO I FELL! AAAAaaaaa!" 6th/9
Squidward MineZ #3 iCryInMySleep Squidward (Spongebob) 7 Killed by the lava which hid the entrance to Meteor Crater. "Oh my god, NO!" 7th/7
Simoz Terraria #1 Crinapple Sacri N/A 12 While low on health in the dungeon, he jumped into spikes. "Ross, help me! Ross, help me- No!" 5th/7
Colorcore! Minecraft #1 iCryInMySleep Dr. Higginbotham (LittleBigPlanet 2) 6 After the pigmen are aggro'd, Cri is stuck in an intersection and gets withered, he backs up and is killed by a pigman behind him. "Oh! NO!" 10th/10
Quote SM64 Online #1 Cri Toad

(Super Mario Series)

2 Didn't move to stay on the ice slide and fell to his death. "AAAHHH! Okay, I-I-I'm dead." 7th/7
AriCore MineZ #2 iCryInMySleep Piglet

(Winnie the Pooh)

2 Gets ambushed and killed by the bandit goldman1500. "FUCKING, NO!" 9th/10
Psycore MineZ #1 iCryInMySleep Psy

(Gangnam Style)

3 After being punched into a horde of Zombie Pigmen by User, Cri hit one of them and blew up. "User, this is rude, this is rude. OW!" 3rd/4
Death Wish Minecraft #1 iCryInMySleep Store Cashier 18 While distracted checking on his wolves, a Creeper snuck up on him and blew up, killing him in the explosion. "What!?" 5th/8
Simoz Minecraft #2 iCryInMySleep Clive Handforth

(LittleBigPlanet 2)

13 Cornered and killed by a buffed Wither Skeleton while hunting for wither skulls. "HELP ME, HELP ME, I'M GOING TO DIE! I'M GOING TO DIE! HALF A HEART! NOOO!" 5th/8
Squidward MineZ #4 iCryInMySleep Squidward (Spongebob) 5 While looting Ridgevale, he was ambushed and killed by the nonward FilthyKorean. "I'm almost dead! NO!" 14th/16
Nova Quest Minecraft #1 iCryInMySleep Sackbot


*18 After defeating the Ender Dragon, Cri went into the Nether to kill himself via bed explosion. "See you guys next time." *1st/7
Hostcore Minecraft #1 iCryInMySleep Larry Da Vinci


8 Whilst trying to save Toast from a buffed Baby Zombie, the zombie focuses on Cri instead and he gets killed. "Oh my god, three hearts. Help me! Help me! Help me! NO!" 3rd/7
Death Wish Terraria #1 your best buddy cre N/A 10 Activated an Explosive Trap under an underground house. "WHAT!?" 6th/8
Renn Minecraft Cursecore iCryInMySleep Trevor

(Grand Theft Auto V)

12 While fighting a Creeper, Cri did not shield the explosion and was blown up. "WAAAAAGH!" 5th/8
Cri Vinyl Fantasy iCryInMySleep Judge Judy

(Judge Judy)

5 Was launched into the air by a Creeper, dying of Fall Damage afterwards. "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD I'M DEAD" 9th/9
User Terraria Expert Mode Purple N/A 9 Got stuck on the ground, took tons of damage from the Eye of Cthulhu, and was finished off by it despite him running away. "FOR KINGWOOKIEE!!" 3rd/9
"Themecore" MineZ #1 (The Walking Dead) iCryInMySleep Beth Greene

(The Walking Dead)

2 After being cornered by a bandit in Sirius, he jumped off a tower and fell to his death. "Ahh!" 6th/9
Hostcore Minecraft #2 iCryInMySleep The King


7 After his shield got stunned, he retreated backwards, but ran into a cobweb and got killed by a Zombie with a diamond axe. "Oh they have an axe, I'm so fucked, I'm so fucked! AHH!" 5th/9
Simoz Minecraft #3 iCryInMySleep BoJack Horseman

(BoJack Horseman)

N/A ??? ??? ???/8
Cri Funny Bear Core 2020 iCryInMySleep "Funny Bear" Pip (Tiny Headed Kingdom) 3 After killing a Spider with Juro, a Creeper snuck up behind Cri and blew him up. "OH!" 5th/8
Team Scallop Mutated iCryInMySleep Ghost Roaster (Skylanders) 10 Jumped on and blown up by a Mutant Creeper. "Fuck! Oh shit!" 4th/10
Hostcore Minecraft #3 iCryInMySleep Hank Schrader (Breaking Bad) 7 After aggroing an Enderman, they try to escape, only for the Ender Dragon to continuously hit them out of the water, eventually having the Enderman kill them. "Oh God! OooAAAAOOH!" 3rd/9
Yives Oddysey The Creeps iCryInMySleep Mrs. Sunshine

(LittleBigPlanet PS Vita)

1 After being left alone with Whisk, who was secretly a Murderer, Whisk quickly attacked and killed them. "What? What? Oh! Damnit.." 4th/8
One Soul Down Minecraft #1 iCryInMySleep Grace Monroe

(Infinity Train)

22 Much like Lake, The Arachnarch charged into Cri, hopped onto the ceiling, and whittled the last of Cri's health away with it's poison spit. "On the ceiling? For real? On god? On god...Oh god, oh my god. Uh...it's been fun!" 1st/10
Cri Documentary Hardcore iCryInMySleep Themself N/A Cri survived the production of the documentary and returned home. N/A *1st/14
Yives Oddysey The Third Planet iCryInMySleep Capt. Sirius Oculus

(LittleBigPlanet Karting)

N/A After going through the mysterious portal, it was revealed that Cri survived the exploration of the Third Planet and returned home. N/A *1st/10
Last Minute Heroes Last Minute Heroes 5 iCryInMySleep Avalon Centrifuge

(LittleBigPlanet 2)

24 Shot dead through her shield by Adachi with a Piercing crossbow after being attacked moments prior. "Oh shit, oh SHIT!" 9th/24
Last Minute Heroes Last Minute Heroes 7 iCryInMySleep Burton Lemon (The Christmas Light) 1 After being chased down and widdled to low health by The Ghosts Of Christmas Present & Future, Cri was attacked by an earth-bending KSI and finished off by Jazz Jackrabbit's "Jack Rabbit Blade". "Bro please do not fucking kill me..." 8th/11
Mini Series
Series Season Username Round Character Death Cause Last Words Place Statistics
Cri Minecraft Perma-Night Mini iCIMS 1 Squidward Tentacles

(SpongeBob SquarePants)

Drowned while trying to enter the Guardian Temple. "No, I-, I'm losing-no, no!" 1st/7 N/A
Cri Minecraft Nether Mini #1 iCIMS 1 Uncle Jalapeño


After using his revival totem to survive its attack, Cri attempted to escape from a Wither Skeleton, only for it to catch up and kill him. "Nope!" 3rd/5 N/A
Cri Hero Siege Hardcore! TheRealCri 1 Marksman Killed by a Skeleton Archer. "User, User. NO!" 2nd/4 5th/5 (Tied w/ Swan)
Criii 2 Necromancer After killing a Skeleton Warrior, it activated a ball that fell on and killed him. "Oh jeez, Skelton Warrior, didn't even notice. WHAT?" 4th/4
Cri 4 Necromancer Hit by a Tornado attack from Betankhamun. "OOH!" 3rd/4
Cri Minecraft Nether Mini #2 iCryInMySleep 1 Dr. Higginbotham (LittleBigPlanet 2) Tried hitting a Wither Skeleton from behind, but he was hit and finished off by the wither effect. "Oh, no! I'm gonna die!" 3rd/3 N/A
Incredicore Minecraft #1 iCryInMySleep 1 Blue Mr. Incredible

(The Incredibles)

Ran through the portal and landed in lava. "I ran through the portal and landed in lava!" 2nd/8 N/A
Simoz Mineplex Dragons iCryInMySleep 1 Yellow Head


Missed a jump and fell into the void. "NO I FELL OFF!" 2nd/8 8th/8

1 Win

2 Knocked into the void and failed to leap back. "NO I DIED!" 4th/8
3 Accidentally leaped onto the side of the stage and bounced into the void. "OH NO! AAAAAAAH!" 8th/8
4 Got reduced to two hearts by a harsh leap before being knocked into the water. "NOOOO!" 7th/8
5 Won the Round by being the last person alive. N/A *1st/8
6 Knocked into the void and failed to leap back. "NOO!" 8th/8
7 Leaped into the void after a Dragon removed the ground beneath him. "Agh!" 8th/8
8 Leaped into the ground after being knocked high into the air. "King Beter!" 3rd/8
9 Fell to his death after being knocked off a platform. "WOOOAAUH!" 5th/8
Cri Minecraft End Mini #1 iCryInMySleep An Oreo


1 While trying to sail off the End in a boat, Cri got stuck and was killed by an Enderman. "You'll never take me alive! No! No!" 5th/6 N/A
Toastcore Crumbs Slaughter iCryInMySleep 1 Mags the Mechanic (LittleBigPlanet) Got knocked off a bridge by a pack of zombies, dying of fall damage. "OH MY GOD! DEAD!" 7th/8 N/A
Cri Minecraft Perma-Night Mini 2 iCryInMySleep 1 Pizza Steve

(Uncle Grandpa)

Was killed by a Skeleton while trying to run away from it. "OW!" 6th/9 N/A
User Vinyl Fantasy #1 iCryInMySleep 1 Steve


Failed to run from the creeper that blew up both him and Naomi. "Waah, AH!" 3rd/4 N/A
Cri Block Party Mini iCryInMySleep 1 Baggles (iCarly) Fell into the Void on Round 3. "No. No. No! NO! NOOOOOOOOO!" 7th/9 #th/9

1 Win

2 Fell into the Void on Round 6. "We don't have a chance to win this- Oh my god oh my god oh my-*unearthly screech*" 1st/9
3 Fell into the Void on Round 4. "Oh my god!" 5th/9
4 Fell into the Void on Round 12. "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no! Oh no! Nooo!" 6th/9
5 Fell into the Void on Round 19 "Oh no oh no oh n-*incredibly loud screech*" 4th/9
6 Fell into the Void on Round 1 to honor a bet placed by Spicy "*unintelligible*" 6th/9
7 Fell into the Void on Round 8. "No!" 6th/9
8 Accidentally fell into the Void after overshooting a jump on Round 9. "NO, I JUST JUMPED OFF!" 9th/9
9 Fell into the Void on Round 14. "NOOOoooolidilidilidilidilidilidilidil. 5th/9
10 Won the Round and didn't die with Zarnexith. N/A *1st/9
11 Fell into the Void on Round 2. "Oh my god." 9th/9
12 Fell into the Void on Round 15. "NO PASTA FOR ME!" 2nd/9
13 Fell into the Void on Round last words 8th/9
14 Fell into the Void on Round last words 8th/9
15 Fell into the Void on Round last words 5th/9
16 Fell into the Void on Round last words 4th/9
17 Fell into the Void on Round last words 7th/9
Cri Grand Theft Auto Online Mini iCryInMySleep 1 N/A Cri was shot to death by multiple members of the military. "Dude there's a lot of people. Noo!" 4th/8 1 Win
2 *After successfully stealing a jet, he dived into a beach, blowing up instantly. "Vinyl Fantasy I love Squidward!!!" *6th/8
3 Entering Fort Zancudo, Cri was blown up by a Tank. "Everything is blowing up. WHAT!?" 7th/8
Cri Terraria Hell Suicide Mini Cri but die 1 N/A Died to a Crawdad after he was blocked off from the group. "I'M DEAD!" 8th/10 0 Wins
criii 2 Died to multiple Zombies and fall damage. "USER! USER!" 8th/10
cudai 3 Died to a Black Slime. "NO!" 5th/10
cudao 4 Activated a Dart Trap which was thought to be a Boulder Trap which was meant to kill Uncounted. "OH. BAHAH-" 9th/10
cri the mole 5 Died to a Skeleton underwater. "USER! USER!" 10th/10
iweepwhenisleep 6 Died from a Dart Trap. "NO!" 8th/10

* Cri completed the goal.

Crew Member[edit | edit source]

Series Season Notes
Cri's HC Minecraft Perma-Night Mini #1 Main Editor
Minecraft Nether Mini #1
Hero Siege Mini
Squidward Hardcore #1
Squidward Hardcore #2
Squidward Hardcore #3
Minecraft Nether Mini #2
Squidward Hardcore #4
Block Party Mini
Vinyl Fantasy
Minecraft Perma-Night Mini #2
Grand Theft Auto Online Mini
Terraria Hell Suicide Mini
Last Minute Heroes Last Minute Heroes Segment Editor
Last Minute Heroes 3 Segment Editor, Episode 3
Cri's HC Hardcore: an iCryInMySleep Documentary Main Editor
Last Minute Heroes Last Minute Heroes 5 Segment Editor, Episode 1
Other Involvement
Series Season Role Notes
User MineZ #2 Overlay Designer
MineZ #3
PBG Minecraft #6 McJones's Texture Pack Designer
Whisk Dimensional HC Overlay Designer
Scorched Kitten's Revolt Draft Watcher
Alt Account Provider

Portraits[edit | edit source]

Series Artist Alive Dead Other
Cri's HC

Simoz's HC
User's HC
Nova Quest HC
Renn's HC

Cri's HC

Simoz's HC

Old Dead
Old Dead
Cri's HC Rocky
Funny BearCore Mikey😈 .
Simoz's HC Cocotopo
Elitecore/Death Wish Starjeti
Team Scallop DrewOfDC
Hostcore Mikey
ToastCore Mikey

Quotes[edit | edit source]

"It's gonna fuck me up and kill me." - Minecraft CurseCore

"I'm determined to win this season. I think I can do this." - Simoz Minecraft #2

"EW, IT'S A SPONGEBOB!" - Squidward MineZ #4

"The Brian and the Beter" - User's (deleted) Terraria

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • They are the sibling of TasBox.
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