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"Iridocyclitis" - Andrew (Team Scallop: The Citadel of Doom)

Andrew7s is the host of Kekspert Mode, a main in Team Scallop, Velveteen HC, CragCore, and Barkore. He is also a guest in JamPack, NCICORE, Rolecore, Spacerycore, Pixelup's HC, Anime Police Highlights, UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE, Astra Hardcore, IciCore, Spooks & Co., Hammy Show, The DOOMED Mini, Fudgecore, CompletionCore, and SyKore and also a member of NCIC. He is also an admin of the Hardcore Community Discord Server and a mod on the HC Wiki.

Hardcore Involvement[edit | edit source]

Participation[edit | edit source]

Main Series
Series Season Username Character Death Episode Death Cause Last Words Place
Velveteen HC Minecraft #1 Andrew7s Rayman


*12 Couldn't go in water because of Frost Walker boots, was brought low by an Enderman and was finished by a Skeleton. "I'm dead." *laughs* 2nd/7*
Anime Police Upstanding Citizen-Core Andrew7s King Dedede (Kirby) 9 Lost to Yoshi in a For Glory match. "Oh no." 1st/7
Team Scallop Minecraft #1 Andrew7s Minion Shrek *9 Blown up by Creepers post-goal. ??? 4th/8*
Jabcore Minecraft #2 Quindarius7s Mr. L (Paper Mario) 10 Right before withering to death, poured a lava bucket on himself. "Uh, oh. *snickers* Uh, oh. No! *laughter*" 1st/8
Spacerycore Minecraft #1 HashtagBrexit Steve (Minecraft) 3 His minecraft kept crashing, so he blissfully went to the toilet instead. Oh no... oh n- oooohh! *giant projectile shit onto the wall* 5th/13
Team Scallop MineZ #1 WalkingPotRare Dr. Eggru 7 After entering the loot room of Saward Crypt he goes back to try and help Ethn, but steps on a pressure plate, dropping harming potions on himself. "Oh! Oh no!" 4th/8
Jabcore Ender Dragon Mini HashtagBrexit "Alakafam" (Pokemon/Meme) 1* Killed by an Enderman. "Oh, oh *squeals*" 2nd/8*
Jabcore Starbound #1 Funky Kong Apex 10 Killed by the Big Ape's fist attack. "Aw, goodbye. *laughs*" 1st/8
Team Scallop Terraria Calamity FUCK YOU WHORE Toronto Transit Caveman 15* Was completely fucked by Calamitas and The Destroyer after winning. "Oh no, no! Please, PLEASE NO!" *3rd/10
Rolecore Minecraft #2 WelcomeToClamJam Simon Cowell 12 Was blown up by his own Creeper. "..." 5th/11
Jabcore MineZ #1 WelcomeToClamJam Globox (Rayman) 7 Missed a jump in the banner room and fell to his death. "Wait, what? Oh-" 3rd/10
Team Scallop Minecraft #2 MasterOogway7s Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda) 7 Got hit by the Wither, Enderpearled away then died to more Wither blasts. "Where's the stronghold, where's the stronghold?" 1st/8
Rolecore Diablo II Quindarius Amazon 13 Killed by a Venom Lord. "With a taste of your lips I'm on a ride." 2nd/8
JamPack UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE Remastered EffeminateFellow King Dedede (Kirby) 3 Got blown up by a Pigman explosion. ??? 7th/8
Pixelup HC MineZ #1 Chunglord7s Monokuma (Danganronpa) 5 Missed the ladder in the entrance room and died of fall damage "Let's test that theory." 6th/9
Team Scallop MineZ #2 EffeminateFellow Chungus Nanami ("Danganronpa") 1 Killed by a trap chest Zombie. "Dean died. Pffft." 8th/8
Barkore PTMC EffeminateFellow Joe Swanson (Family Guy) 5 Fell to his death while bridging up to the spawn area. "..." 7th/11
Vortex Minecraft #1 NonceGymTeahcer Hifumi Yamada (Danganronpa) 8 Overcome by the despair of losing 4 of his friends, Andrew took his own life by letting one of his trusty Anvils squash him. "I have no reason to live... no... I don't wanna..." 4th/8
Team Scallop Mutated EffeminateFellow Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel) 11 Instantly blown up by a Creeper riding a Zombie Pigman after punching it while passing by in an Obsidian Boat. "Oh. *laughter*" 3rd/10
NCICORE Very Big Core Fluzzard7s Sudowoodo (Pokemon) 14 Failed the final parkour in the orb room of Wizard's Tower and fell in the void "Rwy'n mewn heddwch gyda fy hyn. Rheini wrth fy ochr byddaf yn goll heb ti ond- morwyn annwyl, byddaf yn falchder i weld dy gwyneb unwaith eto." 15th/30
Team Scallop Foul Play Andrew7s Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) 16* Couldn't handle the guilt of the others' deaths and drowned himself. N/A *1st/9
Astra Harbinger Andrew7s Nightmare Big Ch*ngus 5 Fell off a staircase after failing a jump. "Umm, you will get one-shot. *laughter*" 4th/8
IciCore Holiday Halls Andrew7s Plate of Corn (Encanto) 3* Killed by Spooks with an axe crit, despite the assistance of his undead friends. *laughter* "No!" *2nd/8
Barkore PTMC: Re-Dooie Andrew7s 'King Fredrickson' (Five Nights at Freddy's) 5 Slain by a Piglin Brute shortly after Rory "Oh, I'm dead too. *laughter*" 6th/10
Hammy HC Broken Realm Andrew7s Dream, but something's not right.. 3 Blew up as a result of Sophie's greed and hubris. "Dean died!!" 8th/10
Team Scallop Shizam Jams: Foul Play 1.5 forthejammiest N/A 4* Drowned himself in a lake off-camera, similar to what happened in the original Foul Play. "Oh, I'd love some lead, actually." *1st/8
Astra Phobia Andrew7s Beatrice (Umineko) 14 Bravely accepted his death after all his friendlehs perished to the Wither. "Mikey?... Well, this looks like the end for our heroes." 1st/14
Kekspert Mode MineZ #1 Andrew7s Fluzzard (Super Mario Galaxy) 8* Succumbed to fall damage while being chased by bandits after obtaining the mythical bandit tag "Well, you know what they say." 1st/9*
Team Scallop Shizam Jams: Thorium Blues Hubert N/A 5 Died to the Eater of Worlds with the assistance of some unfortunate server lag. "Bruh." 2nd/10
Spooks & Co. Minecraft Andrew7s Shiver (Splatoon 3) 3 Cornered and killed by two axe-wielding Zombies while trying to save Cole from the horde. "I'm about to die as well. I'm gonna die too!" 10th/10

*Died after goal was completed.

Portraits[edit | edit source]

Series Artist Alive Dead Other
Team Scallop Mikey😈
Spooks & Co. Rosebuddy
Barkore Katya
IciCore Torin

Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Jab, look out, it's an African." - Minecraft Jabcore #1

"You play Mario Tennis, so I don't think you're a real gamer anyway." - UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE

"It's gonna be way more serious when IAm fucking murders someone." - Minecraft Jabcore #2

"Mans schnoz kills a man" - Team Scallop MineZ #1

Trivia[edit | edit source]

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