Floating Islands

From Hardcore Wiki
Revision as of 23:52, 29 September 2021 by imported>BenjiTheHeartless (If the goal was "Get to the Floating Isles" then you didn't actually attempt the dungeon. If the goal was "Complete the Floating Isles" then fix it on the wiki page)

The Floating Islands is a location in the Shotbow game, MineZ, the home of the ruined Earth Spire, and is one of the more frequent goals in fan hardcores.

Kill Count

*indicates that they died after the goal was completed.


  • Connrad, Hyper (MineZ Psycho Girlcore #1)
  • Blazing (MineZ EXTREME #1)
  • Niku, Flufayy, Catface (MineZ Coleycore #1)
  • Crossbow (MineZ Team Hex HC #1)
  • Nooble, Mark, Tyler, Jack (MineZ Indacore #1)
  • Del, Luke, Soap, JR (MineZ Mystic HC #1)
  • Zap (MineZ DogCore #1)
  • Smash, Breakfast (MineZ BBBCore #1)
  • Luke, Wist, Heath, Soap, Erin (MineZ Santacore #1)
  • Orca (MineZ MemeyCore #1)
  • Sonic (Jeff's MineZ HC Highlights #1)

What to know about the Floating Islands

  • Water is available on Island 4 and Island 8.
  • Giants spawn on Island 3.
  • Be careful when ascending the waterfall to island 8, players and pigmen can ambush you and knock you down.
  • If you need to log out for a while, make absolutely sure you log out on a full solid block. If you leave while standing on a slab or stair, you could die when you log back in.
  • Getting here will require lots of food, as it is located very far north amidst an area of uneven terrain.
  • All of the bridges have parkour. Do not come here if you aren't good at it..