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Shortgamemonkey,Formally known as The3 Basic_Potato,Is a regular and Co-Owner of FrotoCore.

Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words Place
FrotoCore Minecraft #1 Spider Battler Shortgamemonkey *22 Killed by Froto in the post-goal deathmatch. "How- I can't even kill you, that's so dumb." 2nd/6
Frotocore Terraria #1 N/A Shortgamemonkey 6 Crushed by a boulder. "Ah!" 3rd/6
Frotocore MineZ #1 Man in a rabbit suit Shortgamemonkey 9 Failed a parkour jump on the Floating Isles and was killed by the Void. "AH AH AH NO!" 2nd/7
Frotocore ARK #1 N/A Shortgamemonkey *10 Survived. N/A 1/7
Frotocore Minecraft #2 Ugandan Knuckles Shortgamemonkey 13 Blown up by a Creeper. "Ocean Man... AH!" 5/7
Frotocore Terraria #2 N/A Shortgamemonkey 3 Crushed by a boulder. "Oh" 8th/8
Frotocore MineZ #3 Monkey King Shortgamemonkey ??? ??? ??? ???/8th
Frotocore MineZ #4 A monkey Shortgamemonkey ??? ??? ??? ???/8th

*Was killed after they completed the goal.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The only Hardcore Series Jeff has been in is Frotocore.
  • Jeff is a Frotocore Regular and Co-Owner.
  • Jeff has missed two seasons in a row in Frotocore, being MineZ #2 and Minecraft #3. He missed MineZ #2 because he overslept and he missed Minecraft #3 because he had just moved and didn't have time to set up his PC.
  • Jeff has only won two seasons, Minecraft #1, and ARK #1; the exact same two seasons that Froto has lived through and won.
  • Jeff has died to a boulder in both Terraria seasons he has been in.
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