F2P Mini Hardcore (ToniArcade)

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Revision as of 11:50, 11 August 2021 by imported>Thoomas01

ToniArcade F2P is the third season of ToniArcade, hosted and edited by Toni. The season takes place in a fictional free-to-play mobile gaming app, with the 'player' unlocking cast members as the season goes on and selecting them for the various games that are played throughout the season.


# Episode Name Game Release Date Link
T special announcement for the series N/A Aug 3, 2021 [T]
1 Getting Off the Battle Bus Fortnite (Battle Royale) Aug 4, 2021 [1]
2 Homecoming Deep Rock Galactic Aug 6, 2021 [2]
3 Entering the Nether Apex Legends Aug 8, 2021 [3]
4 El Diablo Roblox (Survive the Night) Aug 10, 2021 [4]


Fortnite (Battle Royale)

In episode 1, Tonio, Otto, Luke and Evan participate in three rounds of Battle Royale in Fortnite to get the Victory Royale.

Name Username Rounds Survived
Tonio toniotoniotoniot 3/3
Otto Ottoshadow 3/3
Luke lukeski4 3/3
Evan IAmTheOneAndOnl 3/3

Round 1

Starting Location: The Spire

Result: Success

Name Character Cause of Death Last Words
*Tonio Carlos Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Otto Jonesy Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Luke Zoey Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Evan Rio Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A

Round 2

Starting Location: Lazy Lake

Result: Success

Name Character Cause of Death Last Words
*Tonio Mansu Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Otto Jonesy Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Luke Zoey Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Evan Mansu Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A

Round 3

Starting Location: Sweaty Sands

Result: Success

Name Character Cause of Death Last Words
*Tonio Banshee Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Otto Carlos Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Luke Zoey Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A
*Evan Carlos Survived and got the Victory Royale. N/A

* means they survived the round and didn't die.

Deep Rock Galactic

In episode 2, Tonio, Zakk, Rookie and Bryan delve into the caves in Deep Rock Galactic with their Drilldozer to retrieve an Ommoran Heartstone and escape with their lives.

Name Dwarf Username Rounds Survived
Tonio Driller Sex Man 0/2
Zakk Gunner Welt 0/2
Rookie Engineer Rookie 0/2
Bryan Scout Bryboner 1/2

Round 1

Result: Failure

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Rookie While repairing the Drilldozer, he was hit by a Flying Rock and killed instantly. "Ah, I can't-"
Zakk Also hit by a Flying Rock. "Don't worry, I put a shield on Doretta. Oh!"
Tonio While resupplying, he was swarmed by Glyphid Grunts. "Keep resupplying... Ah..."
Bryan With the destruction of the Drilldozer, the mission ended in failure. "I didn't even... *laughter* Wow..."

Round 2

Result: Success

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Tonio Swarmed by Glyphid Grunts. "Shit, I- I am buried. Oh, god."
Zakk Lost connection. "*sigh* You've got to be kidding me."
Rookie Gave his life to repair the Drilldozer, eventually succumbing to enemies in the swarm. "Aaagh!"
*Bryan Successfully secured the Ommoran Heartstone and survived the mission. N/A

* means they survived the round and didn't die.

Apex Legends

In episode 3, Tonio is accompanied by Matt and Jack in Apex Legends to try and win the Apex Games.

Name Username Rounds Survived
Tonio Sex Man 0/4
Matt funky 0/4
Jack Jack Xiao Long 0/4

Round 1

Result: Instant Failure

Name Legend Cause of Death Last Words
Matt Wraith Crashed into a wall while descending to the map. "It's actually an easter egg if you go under the map. See, we'll land on this little si- Oh."
Tonio Gibraltar Crashed into a wall while descending to the map. "*laughter*"
Jack Valkyrie Crashed into a wall while descending to the map. "..."

Round 2

Result: Failure

Name Legend Cause of Death Last Words
Tonio Pathfinder While bleeding out after being shot by SoSweatyIJ, he was killed by SilverKing64's Defensive Bombardment. "This dude's like firing like a million rockets down at- What is happening?"
Matt Wraith While he was bleeding out after being shot by Sakaido, they shot him again and kill him. "Uhhh... my life ends right now."
Jack Valkyrie Shot and killed by Babycakes0227. "I-"
Matt Wraith Bled out after being shot by Babycakes0227. "This did not work, like, at all."

Round 3

Result: Failure

Name Legend Cause of Death Last Words
Matt Wraith Punched down by Tom in the Fight Night ring and finished off by MaciousOmande. "Oh Jesus, they're all ganging up on me, that's not fair! Literally okay. Oh my god..."
Jack Valkyrie Killed while using his finisher. "AW!"
Tonio Gibraltar Shot by HxC StormzYT while getting out of the Fight Night ring and bled out. "*laughter*"

Round 4

Result: Failure

Name Legend Cause of Death Last Words
Tonio Bangalore Shot by GKO while running away from them and started bleeding out, then killed by duck's Finisher. "I just got fucking fatality'd, so..."
Matt Wraith Just after he exited the portal to try and recover Tonio, he was shot down by duck and then killed by their Finisher. "That did not work even a little bit! Oh my gosh, he's mori'ing me! No no no... *laughter*"
Matt Wraith Shot by Teng_BenShu54188 and started bleeding out, then was killed by IMissOldTime. "Oh, you're right here. I'm still gonna die, but like- *unintelligible*"
Jack Valkyrie While he was bleeding out after being shot by FurtiveInferno, they shot him again and killed him. "IT'S OVERRRRRR!"
Matt Wraith Accidentally got out of the Trident and was shot by HARU194 while trying to get back in. "Wraith, what are you doing, woman? Get back in there! Uh, oh my go- Oh..."

A name in italics means they were recovered after being killed.

Roblox (Survive the Night)

In episode 4, Tonio, SyKo, Bucket, Scruffy, Thoomas, Snou, Ten and Omegers try to survive the night while one of them tries to murder the others each round. After round 6, the game was interrupted and it was revealed that the 'Random' icon on the menu was in fact Scrubby, who then replaced SyKo in subsequent rounds.

Name Username Survivor Rounds Survived Slasher Rounds Won Slasher Kills Total Wins
Tonio ToldMeSheWas14 1/7 0/1 6 1/8
SyKo Ghul619 1/5 0/1 4 1/6
Bucket bubcekt 2/7 1/1 7 3/8
Scruffy colonelwhiskerss 2/6 1/2 12 3/7
Thoomas Oothmas 1/8 0/0 0 1/8
Snou qola 1/6 0/2 7 1/8
Ten ten8247 3/8 0/0 0 3/8
Omegers Comamdno2 1/7 1/1 7 2/8
Scrubby Mickey_Slicks 1/2 0/0 0 1/2

Round 1

Map: Tantive

Slasher: Bucket (as Miers)

Result: Slasher Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Thoomas While following Scruffy, he ran into Bucket, whom he was unable to hide from. "..."
Snou Ran into Bucket in the hallway, then tried to hide and run away, to no avail. "..."
SyKo Hid behind a wall but was murdered by Bucket when he passed by. "*laughter*"
Scruffy Found in a room by Bucket, who killed him as he was trying to get away. "NOOOOO! Oh no..."
Omegers Got stuck, leaving him vulnerable to an attack by Bucket. "Uhhh... Okay, that's not fair. *quizzacious imitation of Bucket's evil laugh*"
Tonio Caught on objects in the hallway while running away from Bucket, who was able to catch up to and kill Tonio. "AaAaAcK!"
Ten Chased and killed by Bucket. "No more Mr. Nice Guy?"

Round 2

Map: Revenant

Slasher: Snou (as Commander)

Result: Survivor Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Tonio Chased through a dilapidated building by Snou, who killed him when he got caught on a tree. "Ow, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm so dead. NAAAAAAW!"
Omegers "SNOU HAS YOU NOW!" "*unholy noises*"
SyKo Found in the bushes by Snou and killed as he was trying to hop away. "Ahhhhh..."
*Bucket Survived and then danced in front of Snou. N/A
*Scruffy Survived. N/A
*Thoomas Tonio led him to a locker where he kept dancing the entire round and survived. N/A
*Ten Survived. N/A

Round 3

Map: Castle

Slasher: Scruffy (as Exterminator)

Result: Survivor Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Bucket Chased through the hallway and shot by Scruffy. "MY WIKI STATS!"
Tonio Chased through the room by Scruffy, then tried to hide behind him while he was blinded and stunned from his camera. Too bad Tonio forgot Scruffy wasn't in first-person view. "Oh! *laughter*"
Omegers Chased by Scruffy, who killed him after he opened a boiler to hide in. Scruffy was polite enough to let him finish, but not to spare his life. "Hold on. Okay."
Ten While partying in a boiler with SyKo and Thoomas, Omegers accidentally gave away their location to Scruffy, who opened the boiler and cut the party short... as well as Ten's life. "Yeah, try us! Try us! Try us! *laughter*"
Thoomas After Ten got murdered and SyKo fled the scene, Thoomas did what he deemed necessary and kept on partying right in front of Scruffy. "I think I'm gonna appreciate this."
*SyKo Escaped the boiler blood bath and survived. N/A
*Snou Survived by dancing on the giant cock for the entire game. N/A

Round 4

Map: Campsite

Slasher: Omegers (as Hunter)

Result: Slasher Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Scruffy Tried to reason with Omegers around the campfire. It almost worked. "Wait, what if you didn't? There we go. Awww..."
Tonio Angered Omegers by burning his retinas and got killed. "No, I'm so dead! *unintelligible*"
SyKo Tried to hide in a shed, but was murdered by Omegers after also blinding him. "AH! *laughter*"
Ten When Omegers came into the room, Bucket stunned him with his spray bottle. Ten then tried to trap him with a bear trap, but placed in on the wrong side of the door, allowing Omegers to slaughter him. "NO, I MISSED! *laughter*"
Snou Tried to hide in a bush. Omegers saw him and promptly murdered him. "Oh. *laughter*"
Bucket Killed by Omegers while hiding on top of a door after insulting Omegers's mother. "NOO!"
Thoomas Chased by Omegers while taking a dump in a bush. "Hey, that's not very nice! Don't kill someone when they're taking a shit. That's not very polite, okay?"

Round 5

Map: Revenant

Slasher: SyKo (as Murderer)

Result: Survivor Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Omegers Chased from his hiding spot by SyKo, who caught up to him after he got caught on a measly light installation. "WHAT THE-"
Scruffy Got chased down the hill he was hiding by SyKo, whom he tried to reason with. SyKo then betrayed him. "Can we just talk about it? K. No..."
Thoomas Found in his locker hiding place by Autism Speaks representative SyKo and chased through the snow. "I will- I will- ...FUCK YOU!"
Snou Chased and killed by SyKo after the group spread out from the cabin. "No, please. I'm begging you!"
*Tonio Survived after the group ganged up on SyKo with their gear in the cabin. N/A
*Bucket Survived after the group ganged up on SyKo with their gear in the cabin. N/A
*Ten Survived after the group ganged up on SyKo with their gear in the cabin. N/A

Round 6

Map: Guest House

Slasher: Tonio (as Lady)

Result: Survivor Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Ten Teamed up with Bucket, Snou and Omegers to lure Tonio to a room filled with bear traps. Tonio managed to jump over one of them and kill Ten while he was trying to escape the room. "COME ON, THIS WAY, COME ON, THIS WAY, COME ON, THIS WAY! NOOOO!"
Snou Ran out of the room he was hiding in with SyKo and Thoomas and ran into Tonio. "It didn't work!"
SyKo After blinding Tonio with his camera, he got chased into a different room and was slaughtered. "..."
Thoomas Tried to hide from Tonio in a corner but stupidly didn't realize he could just look behind him. "No! You don't see me, fuck you! No! BlEgHhH!"
Scruffy Ran into Tonio, who killed him. "Bucket, it's your fault I'm dying. It is your fault."
Bucket Tonio entered the room he was hiding in and murdered him while he was trying to flee. "Hey! AAAH!"
*Omegers Survived. N/A

Round 7

Map: Campsite

Slasher: Snou (as Commander)

Result: Survivor Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Thoomas Chased and killed by Snou after failing to open a door. "Goodbye. Goodbye!"
Omegers Chased and killed by Snou. "Stop hacking, please. Come on, grow up!"
Bucket After Snou found Tonio, Bucket and Ten hiding in a corner, Bucket ran right into him. "AHHH!"
Tonio Played nice and let Snou murder him after he lost him. "Just end my life. End my miserable existence."
*Scruffy Survived. N/A
*Ten Survived. N/A
*Scrubby Survived. N/A

Round 8

Map: Dungeon

Slasher: Scruffy (as Exterminator)

Result: Slasher Victory

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Thoomas Stumbled upon Scruffy in a hallway and was murdered while quoting another person's famous last words in reference to a certain Hardcore. "Welp, uhhhh... It looks like it's the end for, uh, Rainbow Bacon."
Omegers Got real close with Scruffy, placed a bear trap down, ran away... and then got shot. "Oh god, I hear the le-"
Ten Scruffy chased Ten and Scrubby down and slashed the former's throat. "..."
Scrubby After running away from the crime scene of Ten's death, he was shot by Scruffy. "Bro, he's just dead. He's just dead! Noooo..."
Bucket While running away from Scruffy, he shot him and ruined his wiki stats. "No, dude, not again. My wiki stats were so good before. They can't go downhill now."
Tonio Failed to close a door on Scruffy and just kinda stood there with no other option but to get murdered. "Oh, well, this is awkward. *laughter*"
Snou After revealing himself to Scruffy near the statue, he was shot. "Check this out! *laughter*"

NOTE: As the slasher cannot die, they were not included in the death tables.

* means they survived the round and didn't die.