Luke is the host and editor of JamPack and was the leader of the now-defunct Anime Police, appearing in all of its seasons, including UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE. He is also a main in Toni's HC and a regular in Rolecore, a former regular in Team Scallop, and a guest in SyKore, Paranormal Idiots, DuoCore, and Hardcore New Funky Mode. Additionally, he is a member of Top Hardcore Players, being a regular in its series, and is the creator and former host of the Hardcore Awards.
Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]
Series | Season | Character | Username | Episode of Death | Cause of Death | Last Words | Place |
Anime Police | MineZ #1 | Vector (Despicable Me) | The_Flash_Runs | 5 | Killed by bandits. | "Aw, they got me." | 1st/4 |
Anime Police | Herobrine's Mansion | Captain Falcon (F-Zero) | The_Flash_Runs | 3 | Was targeted and killed by Herobrine. | "Alright, guys! I always wanted to do this. Aw! I didn't get to do the thing!" | 3rd/5 |
Anime Police | Upstanding Citizen-Core | Roy (Fire Emblem) | The_Flash_Runs | 8 | Was swarmed by zombies and finished off by Swag's player zombie. | "I'm at one heart! No, I'm a half! NO!" | 6th/8 |
THP | Minecraft #2 | Funtime Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's) | The_Flash_Runs | 6 | Had to go play Smash and drowned himself. | "Aright, show of hands. How many of you would fuck Chica the Chicken? Because I know I would, like, let's be real." | 10th/10 |
Rolecore | Minecraft #2 | Han Solo in carbonite (Star Wars) | lukeski4 | 10 | While running away from Andrew and Funky, he was shot down by a Skeleton. | "NOOO!" | 8th/11 |
THP | Scrapped Terraria #2 | Star Lord (Guardians of the Galaxy) | luekski4 | N/A | Died from poison while fighting a Piranha. | "Ahhh. Oh, no. I'm stuck in the water." | 8th/10 |
THP | Minecraft #3 | Beach Trooper (Lego Star Wars) | lukeski4 | 1 | Pummeled by the Wither. | "No!" | 7th/10 |
Tonio | W2 | Peter Parker (Spider-Man 3) | lukeski4 | 5 | Mauled by wolves at Whitehaven after he took their aggro off of Funky. | "Oh!" | 10th/10 |
JamPack | JamPack Vol. 1 | Lukeski | lukeski4 | 6 | Cornered by a Wither Skeleton after being shot by a Blaze. | "Oh!" | 8th/8 |
Team Scallop | The Citadel of Doom | Knack (Knack) | lukeski4 | 16 | Cornered by the Wither and a Gaian Defender with no shield and withers away. | "No, I'm dead! Sorry. NOOOOO!" | 2nd/8 |
JamPack | Ultimate Custom Night | Golden Lukeski | Buttersteve11111 | 1 | Lagged while shielding against a Creeper. | "WHOA!" | 7th/8 |
JamPack | UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE Remastered | Roy (Fire Emblem) | Buttersteve11111 | 3 | Ran into a lava hole. | "AH, NO! I'm gonna die! Save me!" | 8th/8 |
JamPack | JamPack Vol. 2 | Agent Pig | lukeski4 | 3 | Was hit several times by Jon the Lonesome Survivor. | "OHHH, I'M AT A HEART AND A HALF! AHA, NO!!!" | 9th/9 |
Toni | Universe's Edge | Super Macho Man (Punch-Out!!) | lukeski4 | 10 | Was brought down to half a heart by Blazes, and despite being healed by Toni, immediately got shot by another Blaze. | "Aw, thanks. NAAAAAAAAAWWWW! *laughs*" | 3rd/18 |
SyKore | Calamity Canyon | Eric Sparrow (Tony Hawk's Underground) | Buttersteve11111 | 5 | Was shot off a staircase by a Skeleton to land onto another staircase below, only to slip off that staircase and die of fall damage. | "CREPPER! No! OH! NOO!!!" | 6th/8 |
THP | MineZ | Kerplunk (Green Day) | lukeski4 | 5 | Died to two Zombies. | "Wait, hold the phone. Hold the- Oh my god, no! Noooo, that's so embarrassing, no!" | 10th/11 |
Rolecore | Calamity Canyon | Pack-a-Punch Machine (Call of Duty) | lukeski4 | 4 | While he was attacking a Zombie, a Skeleton shot him into lava, then dealt the finishing blow as he swam back up to the surface. | "There's more. No! Oh, no, no, NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" | 6th/8 |
Team Scallop | Mutated | Big Taste (Sprite) | Buttersteve11111 | 11 | Ambushed and blown up by a Creeper on a Wither Skeleton right next to where Vapor died. | "WOAH!" | 2nd/10 |
Rolecore | Burnout Fantasy | Phillie Fanatic | lukeski4 | 6 | Jumped backwards into a Creeper that exploded after being attacked by a Cave Spider. | "NAAHHH!!!" | 11th/14 |
JamPack | JamPack Vol. 3 | Mahmoud (Super Seducer 2) | lukeski4 | 9 | In a valiant effort to save Evan from a Baby Wither Skeleton that was attacking him, the little fucker changed its target and attacked Luke, eventually causing him to wither away. | "NO!" | 6th/8 |
Hardcore New Funky Mode | Bingo | ??? | lukeski4 | 7 | Was shot by a Skeleton while levitating in the air after being poisoned by multiple Cave Spiders | "I'm poisoned, I'm so dead! AH!" | 7th/7 |
Toni | Gauntlet | Walter White Cow | lukeski4 | 6 | Tried to lure Yives to his death, before he decided to showcase his Notch Hammer, launching Luke by accident and dooming him to fall damage. | "WOAH!! NO, YOU BETRAYED ME! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME!" | 10th/12 |