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Luke is the host and editor of JamPack and was the leader of the now-defunct Anime Police, appearing in all of its seasons, including UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE. He is also a main in Toni's HC and a regular in Rolecore, a former regular in Team Scallop, and a guest in SyKore, Paranormal Idiots, DuoCore, and Hardcore New Funky Mode. Additionally, he is a member of Top Hardcore Players, being a regular in its series, and is the creator and former host of the Hardcore Awards.

Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words Place
Anime Police MineZ #1 Vector (Despicable Me) The_Flash_Runs 5 Killed by bandits. "Aw, they got me." 1st/4
Anime Police Herobrine's Mansion Captain Falcon (F-Zero) The_Flash_Runs 3 Was targeted and killed by Herobrine. "Alright, guys! I always wanted to do this. Aw! I didn't get to do the thing!" 3rd/5
Anime Police Upstanding Citizen-Core Roy (Fire Emblem) The_Flash_Runs 8 Was swarmed by zombies and finished off by Swag's player zombie. "I'm at one heart! No, I'm a half! NO!" 6th/8
THP Minecraft #2 Funtime Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's) The_Flash_Runs 6 Had to go play Smash and drowned himself. "Aright, show of hands. How many of you would fuck Chica the Chicken? Because I know I would, like, let's be real." 10th/10
Rolecore Minecraft #2 Han Solo in carbonite (Star Wars) lukeski4 10 While running away from Andrew and Funky, he was shot down by a Skeleton. "NOOO!" 8th/11
THP Scrapped Terraria #2 Star Lord (Guardians of the Galaxy) luekski4 N/A Died from poison while fighting a Piranha. "Ahhh. Oh, no. I'm stuck in the water." 8th/10
THP Minecraft #3 Beach Trooper (Lego Star Wars) lukeski4 1 Pummeled by the Wither. "No!" 7th/10
Tonio W2 Peter Parker (Spider-Man 3) lukeski4 5 Mauled by wolves at Whitehaven after he took their aggro off of Funky. "Oh!" 10th/10
JamPack JamPack Vol. 1 Lukeski lukeski4 6 Cornered by a Wither Skeleton after being shot by a Blaze. "Oh!" 8th/8
Team Scallop The Citadel of Doom Knack (Knack) lukeski4 16 Cornered by the Wither and a Gaian Defender with no shield and withers away. "No, I'm dead! Sorry. NOOOOO!" 2nd/8
JamPack Ultimate Custom Night Golden Lukeski Buttersteve11111 1 Lagged while shielding against a Creeper. "WHOA!" 7th/8
JamPack UPSTANDING CITIZEN-CORE Remastered Roy (Fire Emblem) Buttersteve11111 3 Ran into a lava hole. "AH, NO! I'm gonna die! Save me!" 8th/8
JamPack JamPack Vol. 2 Agent Pig lukeski4 3 Was hit several times by Jon the Lonesome Survivor. "OHHH, I'M AT A HEART AND A HALF! AHA, NO!!!" 9th/9
Toni Universe's Edge Super Macho Man (Punch-Out!!) lukeski4 10 Was brought down to half a heart by Blazes, and despite being healed by Toni, immediately got shot by another Blaze. "Aw, thanks. NAAAAAAAAAWWWW! *laughs*" 3rd/18
SyKore Calamity Canyon Eric Sparrow (Tony Hawk's Underground) Buttersteve11111 5 Was shot off a staircase by a Skeleton to land onto another staircase below, only to slip off that staircase and die of fall damage. "CREPPER! No! OH! NOO!!!" 6th/8
THP MineZ Kerplunk (Green Day) lukeski4 5 Died to two Zombies. "Wait, hold the phone. Hold the- Oh my god, no! Noooo, that's so embarrassing, no!" 10th/11
Rolecore Calamity Canyon Pack-a-Punch Machine (Call of Duty) lukeski4 4 While he was attacking a Zombie, a Skeleton shot him into lava, then dealt the finishing blow as he swam back up to the surface. "There's more. No! Oh, no, no, NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" 6th/8
Team Scallop Mutated Big Taste (Sprite) Buttersteve11111 11 Ambushed and blown up by a Creeper on a Wither Skeleton right next to where Vapor died. "WOAH!" 2nd/10
Rolecore Burnout Fantasy Phillie Fanatic lukeski4 6 Jumped backwards into a Creeper that exploded after being attacked by a Cave Spider. "NAAHHH!!!" 11th/14
JamPack JamPack Vol. 3 Mahmoud (Super Seducer 2) lukeski4 9 In a valiant effort to save Evan from a Baby Wither Skeleton that was attacking him, the little fucker changed its target and attacked Luke, eventually causing him to wither away. "NO!" 6th/8
Hardcore New Funky Mode Bingo ??? lukeski4 7 Was shot by a Skeleton while levitating in the air after being poisoned by multiple Cave Spiders "I'm poisoned, I'm so dead! AH!" 7th/7
Toni Gauntlet Walter White Cow lukeski4 6 Tried to lure Yives to his death, before he decided to showcase his Notch Hammer, launching Luke by accident and dooming him to fall damage. "WOAH!! NO, YOU BETRAYED ME! IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE ME!" 10th/12
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