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"I'm the kind of person, in Hardcores, to watch all of my friends die before I inevitably join them." - Lucca (Minecraft Hardcore Remastered Season Two)

Lucca is the host and editor of his hardcore series, a regular in Velveteen HC, and a guest in BRBeverage HC, Team Scallop, Cuckcore, FTC and Quickdraw HC.

Hardcore Involvement[edit | edit source]

Participation[edit | edit source]

Main Series
Series Season Character Username Death Episode Death Cause Last Words Place
HC Remastered Minecraft #1 N/A LuccaYT 14 Was blown up by the bed that Elliot placed down. "WHAT THE HELL?!" 2nd/9
HC Remastered Minecraft #2 N/A LuccaYT *N/A He completed the goal and did not die. N/A *1st/6
HC Remastered Minecraft #3 Jake Paul LuccaB 7 While exploring the Nether Fortress, Lucca was ambushed by three Wither Skeletons and was killed. "I'm gonna fucking die, I'm gonna fucking die, yep I'm dead." 2nd/7
Lucca's HC Terraria #1 N/A LUCCAGAMER


*N/A After trying to kill himself by fighting a Wyvern but instead killing it, he left the game without dying. "I'm done, I'm done, I c- I can't find a way to kill myself effectively." *giggles* *1st/8
Lucca's HC Minecraft Nether #1 Winston Churchill (Real Life) LuccaB 2 While fighting a Blaze, a Wither Skeleton came up from behind the Blaze and killed him. "OH FUCK, FUCK, NO, NO!" 9th/9
Lucca's HC Don't Starve Together #1 Wickerbottom LuckySevenLucca 9 While trying to but more nitre into the generator, Deerclops instantly killed him "OH" 5th/8
Velveteen HC Starbound #1 Hylotl EpicGamer45 10 Killed by the Kluex Avatar's blast during the second phase. "I'm dead. I'm dead." 4th/8
MrMister Minecraft #1 Sokka (Avatar) LuccaB FM Withered to death after getting shot by the Wither. "You fucking asshole!" 5th/14
Lucca's HC Minecraft #1 Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory) _Lucca_ 11 Was brought low by Silverfish before getting killed by a Zombie whilst running away. "No, no, no, no no no no no no NO!" 2nd/8
FTC Minecraft Skyblock Callum (The Dragon Prince) Lantrine *11 Was killed by another Wither spawned through commands. "Ah." *1st/9
Lucca's HC Epic Siege: The Movie Callum (The Dragon Prince) Lantrine N/A Was blown up by a Zombie Creeper Jockey while Endermen hunting in the Overworld. "What the fuck?!" 1st/8
BRBeverage Minecraft Jungle Challenge Jonesy (Fortnite) Lantrine 9 Right after a new session started, he accidentally jumped off of a tree and fell to his death. "Okay, this is the third seperate computer I'm recording on-" *gasp* 3rd/8
Jabcore Ethereal Minecraft Zuko (Avatar) Lantrine 6 Died to an explosive trap that Velvet accidentally set off. "OH!" 6th/9
Lucca's HC Captive Minecraft High-Resolution Steve (Minecraft) Lantrine 4 Shot into the chasm by a Skeleton and landed right between a bunch of Creepers, which blew him up. "Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" 7th/8
Quickdraw HC Burnout Fantasy #1 JackTheGamer101 Lantrine 5 Blown up by a Creeper. "I think I'm actually gonna die here guys!" 7th/8
Lucca's HC The Long Dark N/A Lantrine 15 Bled out after being attacked by Wolves. "Noooo!" 4th/8

*Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The first season of Lucca's hardcore was released on October 26, 2013.
    • It was six years before Lucca appeared in a Hardcore he didn't host.
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