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Captive Minecraft Hardcore Season 1 (Lucca's HC)

From Hardcore Wiki

Captive Minecraft Hardcore is the eighth official season of Lucca's Hardcore. The cast consists of Lucca, Aman, EndlessNameless, Albinum, Hayden, MrMister, Aaron and BobblyBob, who are on a quest to defeat the Ender Dragon in a very limited world that grows with every earned achievement.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
0 Trailer Jul 20, 2021 [0]
1 The Surface Jul 29, 2021 [1]
2 The Way Down Jul 31, 2021 [2]
3 The Stronghold Aug 4, 2021 [3]
4 The Chasm Aug 8, 2021 [4]
5 The Ice Spike Aug 12, 2021 [5]
6 The Final Achievement Aug 14, 2021 [6]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
MrMister Alm (Fire Emblem) PohjolanApina 3 While trying to heal after fighting a group of Zombies in the stronghold, another Zombie walked up to him and killed him. "Oh shit! Shit, there's a Zom-"
Lucca High-Resolution Steve (Minecraft) Lantrine 4 Got shot into the chasm by a Skeleton and landed right between a bunch of Creepers, which blew him up. "Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!"
Hayden Michael Vick Chozo7 5 During a lag spike, he was killed by a Zombie. "What?!"
BobblyBob DaBaby in Maid Costume BobblyBob 5 Attacked by an Enderman and killed just before he got to a safe place. "Oh my god, I'm gonna die, boys. I'm gonna- AUGH!"
Aaron Backwards Steve (Minecraft) mspaintgod 5 While farming Magma Cubes, he mined a block and accidentally got stuck in a hole with them. "Oh, I'm dead you guys."
Aman Random Minecraft Skin toastqd 6 Climbed up to a Ghast spawner, which spawned a Ghast. As he tried to jump down onto the bridge, he was fireballed and fell to his death. "And I'm dead."
Albinum Sandro (Heroes of Might and Magic) Albinum 6* After getting low from poison by Cave Spiders and from an Iron Golem, he walked into a Creeper and was immediately blown up. "WOAH! *laughs*"
EndlessNameless The Forgotten King (Realm of the Mad God) EndlessNam 6* After Albi's death, they saw no more reason to live and also walked up to a Creeper. "Oh, okay. Wheeee-"

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This season marked the first time Hayden had a portrait that he didn't make himself.
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