Don't Starve Together Hardcore Season 1 (Lucca)
Don't Starve Hardcore Season 1 is the sixth Hardcore edited by Lucca for his hardcore series, with Albinum helping with editing the overlay. The cast consists of Lucca, Icedemon, Soms, Waluigi, Watermaster, Lucky, Rose, and Rookie. Portraits are done by Wabu. The goal is to defeat the Ancient Fuelweaver.
Episodes[edit | edit source]
# | Episode Name | Release Date | Link |
0 | Trailer | Sep 28, 2019 | [0] |
1 | The Constant | Oct 4, 2019 | [1] |
2 | The World Underneath | Oct 7, 2019 | [2] |
3 | The Autumn Feast | Oct 11, 2019 | [3] |
4 | The Swamp | Oct 14, 2019 | [4] |
5 | The Genie | Oct 18, 2019 | [5] |
6 | The Fifth Season | Oct 21, 2019 | [6] |
7 | The Frost | Oct 25, 2019 | [7] |
8 | The Second Incursion | Oct 28, 2019 | [8] |
9 | The Visitor | Oct 30, 2019 | [9] |
Deaths[edit | edit source]
Name | Character | Username | Episode of Death | Cause of Death | Last Words |
Waluigi | Wilson | RubberRoss | 4 | While chasing down a butterfly, Waluigi started to lag which caused him to stop moving. A Tentacle appeared and proceeded to kill him. | "WOAH, I can't move! What the fuck!" |
Rookie | Wx-78 | Rookie | 6 | While he was trying to find butterfly wings in the ice box, a Terrorbeak charged at him and killed him. | "OH FUCK!" |
Murnax | Webber | murnax | 6 | While trying to out run the Crawling Horrors, the same Terrorbeak that killed Rookie charged at him and killed him as well. | "I'm gonna die as well, I'm gonna die as well!" |
Lucca | Wickerbottom | LuckySevenLucca | 9 | Was killed by the Deerclops while trying to refuel the generator. | "OHH!" |
Watermaster | Maxwell | Watermaster_Kai | 9 | At 1 heath left, Kai tried to hit the Deerclops, but was promptly killed. | "AGH- I'm dead." |
Icedemon | Winona | icedemon099 | 9 | Ice at low health tried to hit the Deerclops, but was killed by it. | "I'm dead..." |
Rose | Wigfrid | KlutzDoesMinecraft | 9 | Trying to hit the Deerclops, Rose was then hit by it and was finished off by a Terrorbeak. | "Maybe I can hit him... NEVERMIND!" |
Lucky | Wendy | Lucky7DxL | 9 | Tried running circles around base to avoid the Deerclops, but was eventually killed by it. | "Stupid... fucking cunt." |
Player Portraits[edit | edit source]
Lucca (Danger)
Lucca (Dead)
Icedemon (Danger)
Icedemon (Insane)
Icedemon (Dead)
Murnax (Danger)
Murnax (Insane)
Waluigi (Danger)
Waluigi (Dead)
Watermaster (Danger)
Watermaster (Dead)
Lucky (Danger)
Lucky (Dead)
Rose (Danger)
Rose (Insane)
Rose (Dead)
Rookie (Danger)
Rookie (Insane)
Rookie (Dead)
Intro Quotes[edit | edit source]
"On a quest to find some fucking shit." -Rookie "OH FUCK" -Rookie
"At least I'll die in style." -Lucca
"Abigail, Abigail, do the thing." -Lucky
"I'm sorry, me and my backup dancers are having a boogie" -Watermaster
"One grabs a spear and then commits genocide" -Ice
"I can make meatballs....YAY" -Waluigi "What the fuck!" -Waluigi
"Waluigi you are clown of the year now, how do you feel" -Murnax "I'm gonna die as well, I'm gonna die as well" -Murnax
Bold text represents a line used after the person is dead.