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Cri's HC/Terraria Hell Suicide Mini Hardcore

From Hardcore Wiki

Terraria Hell Suicide Mini Hardcore is the ninth mini season of ICryInMySleep's Hardcore Series. The cast consists of Cri, Ross, Uncounted, Toad, Quote, Eugh, Near, Bramble, User, and Swan. The goal is to make it to Hell and off themselves in lava.

Rounds[edit | edit source]

Rounds Episode Name Release Date Link
1 One Way Journey to the Center of the Earth! Jan 1, 2021 [1]
2 Sweet Victory?! Jan 4, 2021 [2]
3 Together In The Dark! Jan 7, 2021 [3]
4-5 Ghost Town! Jan 10, 2021 [3]
6 Deceased Race! Jan 13, 2021 [3]

Player Stats[edit | edit source]

Player 1st Death 2nd Death 3rd Death 4th Death 5th Death 6th Death 7th Death 8th Death 9th Death 10th Death Wins
Cri 1 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Ross 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0
Uncounted 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 1 1
Toad 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1
Quote 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0
Eugh 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1
Near 1 0 1 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 2
Bramble 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
User 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 0 1
Swan 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 3

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Round 1[edit | edit source]

Twist: Expert Mode

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Bramble Game of the Bramble Crushed by a Boulder that was mined from above him. "..."
Quote Quotell1 Died to a Cave Bat. "Ahh, bat!"
Cri Cri but die Died to a Crawdad after he was blocked off from the group. "I'M DEAD!"
Ross jimmy johns 3 Fell to her death. "Damni-"
Toad Swan Died to a Black Slime in pitch black darkness. "USER! USER! *laughter*"
User Big Chungus Died to the same Black Slime that killed Toad. "*unintelligible* HELP ME! DAH-"
Uncounted Uncountor Glitched out entirely and was killed by a Black Slime unfairly. "Oh shit."
*Swan Uczar Committed suicide in lava. "Bye guys."
*Near Near Committed suicide in lava. "VICTORY BROS! WOOO!"
*Eugh Shut up Near Committed suicide in lava. "GG!"

Round 2[edit | edit source]

Twist: Expert Mode & Goal is instead to drown in Honey in a Beehive.

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Near Near Died to a Face Monster in the Crimson. "I'M ACTUALLY DEAD!"
Ross Ross (jimmy johns) Died to a Crimera in the Crimson. "I have a lot of friends!"
Cri criii Died to multiple Zombies and fall damage. "USER! USER!"
Bramble Brambles Died to an explosive trap activated by Quote. "..."
Quote Quotell1 Died to an explosive trap he activated. "NOHOOO!"
Eugh Eugh Died to Frozen Zombies while not being able to get into a shelter. "I CAN'T GET INSIDE!"
Toad PROTONIUSTOADIUS Swarmed by Bees in the Jungle. "I CAN'T KILL IT USER!"
*User User Committed suicide by drowning in honey. "I love you Swan!"
*Swan Swan Fo Real Dawg! Committed suicide by drowning in honey. "I'm draining so fast, Uncounted."
*Uncounted Uncounted Committed suicide by drowning in honey. "Super Mario! *gibberish*"

Round 3[edit | edit source]

Twist: Master Mode

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Toad WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Died to a Giant Worm in the dark. "I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead."
Swan Swan. The winninger. Died to the same Giant Worm. "I'm dead."
Near Near Died to the same Giant Worm. "I'M GONNA DIE THO-"
Eugh Eugh Died to a Jellyfish. "PLEASE!"
User Porotnt Died to the same Jellyfish. "CRI!"
Cri cudai Died to a Black Slime. "NO!"
Uncounted Uncounted Died immediately after being shot by a Dart Trap. "OH!"
Bramble GameBrambles Died to a Salamander. "OH!"
Quote Quotell1 Died to the same Salamander, barely milliseconds later. "There is a worm here, and a purple thing!"
Ross Ross but normal Died to the same Salamander, barely milliseconds later. "NO!"

Round 4[edit | edit source]

Twist: Master Mode

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Quote Mario Kart Died from a Dart Trap. "I don't see one. NO!"
Cri cudao Activated a Dart Trap which was thought to be a Boulder Trap which was meant to kill Uncounted. "OH. BAHAH-"
Eugh Eugh Died from a Dart Trap activated by Cri. "OHOHOHO"
Swan super swan bros Died from a Dart Trap activated by Cri. *gasp*
User UserProtonToadSwanCr Died from a Dart Trap activated by Cri. "AHH!"
Near Near Died from a Dart Trap activated by Cri. "OHH OH MY-"
Bramble Brambles Killed by a Ghost after Cri killed enough people to turn the surrounding area into a graveyard biome. "Why'd you do that?!"
Toad Soulja Toad Killed by a Ghost after Cri killed enough people to turn the surrounding area into a graveyard biome. "Oh my God. Sh-"
Uncounted UNCOUNTED 3000 Killed by a Ghost after Cri killed enough people to turn the surrounding area into a graveyard biome. "AH!"
Ross Ross Killed by a Ghost after Cri killed enough people to turn the surrounding area into a graveyard biome. "Just kill me, just do it."

Round 5[edit | edit source]

Twist: Master Mode

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Cri cri the mole Died to a Skeleton underwater. "USER! USER!"
Quote Quote Kart Died to a Cave Bat. "Fuck."
Ross Ross 56 Died to the same Cave Bat. "..."
User BigBigProtonBigPRton Exploded after opening a Trapped Chest. "AAH!"
Swan super fuck you swan Died to a Geyser trap. "Oh shit."
Uncounted Uncounted Died to the same Geyser trap. "OH!"
Eugh Eugh Died to a Cave Bat. "TOAD! TOAD!"
*Near Near Committed suicide in lava. "YEEES! LET'S GO!"
*Toad Oui Oui Committed suicide in lava. "GG BOYS!"
Bramble Brambles Tried to commit suicide in lava, but landed on a Hellbat and died. "Yes! NO!"

Round 6[edit | edit source]

Twist: Master Mode & Only the first person to die in lava in the Underworld counts as a win.

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Uncounted UNCOUNTED CHEESE Drowned "I cant!"
User Anana Exploded after opening a Trapped Chest. "Pfft!"
Cri iweepwhenisleep Died from a Dart Trap. "NO!"
Ross Ross but now Fell to her death. "What just happened? Ohhh-"
Bramble I DIED TO A BAT Died from a Dart Trap. "AH!"
Near Near Killed by a Mother Slime. "I have no torches! Quote!"
*Swan Swaude Committed suicide in lava. "Yes!"
Quote Quart Committed suicide in lava less than a second later. "Yeah- NO!"
Eugh Edeleugh Committed suicide in lava. "God damnit."
Toad Dimitoad Committed suicide in lava. "Welp, guys. Ohhh boy."
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