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Cri's HC/Minecraft End Mini Hardcore

From Hardcore Wiki

The Minecraft End Mini Hardcore #1 is the fifth mini season of ICryInMySleep's hardcore series. It follows six players with the goal to defeat the Ender Dragon with no armor, eggs, boats, golden apples, basic tools, shields, and two stacks of blocks. The cast consists of Cri, ProtonToad, Rosswell, Renn, User, and Swan.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 End Hardcore Mini 1! Aug 12, 2018 [1]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Character Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Renn CmdrTaka Blue Pikmin (Pikmin) 1 Swooped and killed by the Ender Dragon from the front. "Oh no! Oh no!"
Cri iCryInMySleep An Oreo cookie 1 While trying to sail off the End in a boat, Cri got stuck and was killed by an Enderman. "You'll never take me alive! No! No!"
User Aglashal Doge (Internet meme) 1 Knocked into an Enderman by Swan, which got him killed. ”Swan, honestly!"
Toad ProtonToad Muk (Pokémon) 1 When he went to go attack the Ender Dragon, it launched him high into the air, causing him to die to fall damage. "OH my god! Goodbye!"
Rosswell RosswellOnKuuma A skeleton 1 During the boss fight, Rosswell somehow fell and died to fall damage. "I'm dead."
Swan SwoonMcGroove Nyan Cat (YouTube) 1 Seconds after Rosswell died, Swan was tackled by the Ender Dragon, sending him flying, thus causing him to die to fall damage. "Oh, oh! I'm low. Yeah, I'm dead too."

Player Portraits[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In order to save death portrait reveals for bigger series, when someone dies, an "X" is placed over their alive portrait instead.
  • This is the first series on Cri's channel to not be edited by Cri himself.
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