Chad Potro (Hardcore Series)

From Hardcore Wiki

Chad Potro's Hardcore Series is a hardcore series hosted by Hayden on the channel Chad Potro.

List of Seasons[edit | edit source]

Season Cast Goal Result
Minecraft #1 Hayden, Evan, Jeremy, Port Defeat the Ender Dragon Failure
Minecraft #2 Hayden, Evan, Robert, Zack, Gabe Defeat the Ender Dragon Failure
Minecraft #3 Hayden, Evan, Robert, Zack, Gabe Complete the Woodland Mansion and Defeat the Elder Guardians Failure
Hero Siege #1 Hayden, Evan, Robert, Jade Defeat Gurag The Destroyer Success
Minecraft Underworld #1 Hayden, Evan, Port, Zack, Gabe, Jade, Sam Survive the Underworld and Defeat the Wither Success

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Hero Siege #1 is one of if not the only hardcore season where no one died.
  • Hayden and Evan are the only ones to appear in every season.