Wall of Flesh

From Hardcore Wiki
Revision as of 19:22, 7 September 2018 by imported>OverHillDreams

The Wall of Flesh is one of the primary pre-hardmode bosses, and is also one of the most common Terraria goals in fan hardcores.

Kill Count

  • Del, Wist (Terraria Delcore #1)
  • Luke (Terraria Extreme #1)
  • Del (Terraria SY64 #1)*
  • Genii, Velvet (Terraria MrMister #1)

*Del died right after it was defeated, but it still counted.

How to Defeat the Wall of Flesh

Right as it spawns, you need to be aware of which side the WoF is coming from, as you need to be ready for it. When it comes into view, use a Water Bolt and fire at it, the Water Bolt is effective as it'll bounce against walls and come back to the Wall of Flesh.

Once you run out of mana for a while, switch to either a gun (such as the Minishark), or something that provides ranged damage (such as a Bee's Knees). Alternatively, if you have Beenades, throw them at the WoF and let the bees help you attack it.

Once your mana metre has refilled, rinse and repeat the process until either you or the WoF has been taken out.