Terraria Hardcore Season 1 (Team Hex)

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Terraria Season 1 is the first Hardcore uploaded for Team Hex's HC series. The cast consists of Jacha, Waffle, Quote, Dan, Tahmis, PraisedBeScrubby, Connah and Civvv.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Already Dying?! Jan 19, 2018 [1]
2 A Turn For The Worst ??? [2]
3 The Eye of Cthulhu ??? [3]
4 Advancing Intro The Unknown ??? [4]
5 Shark Food ??? [5]
6 Tragedy ??? [6]
7 Meteor Exploration ??? [7]
8 The Meteor ??? [8]
9 The Brain of Cthulhu ??? [9]
10 The Finale Feb 8, 2018 [10]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Quote Quotell 2 Ambushed and killed by a Granite Elemental. "Okay, oh yeah, I'm dead. Yep, I am dead."
Scrubby Golden Gaytime Scrub 6 Crushed by a Boulder due to a trap set off by Jacha. "No that's Jeff, SpaceHamster. Yeah...Oof!"
Waffle Waffle 6 The same Boulder that killed Scrubby rolled down to the left, crushing Waffle as well. "Oh!..."
Dan Dan 7 Swarmed by Crimson mobs, before being devoured by 3 Crimeras due to his frame skip. "Ah, ah, ah, ah, help, help. It's over"
Tahmis Tahmis 8 While digging down a sword shrine near the meteor, a Meteor Head kills him due to his frame skip. "No I think even one block is enough. NO!!!"
Civvv Civvv 9 While trying to get down a rope, the Brain telefragged Civvv and causes him to fall, killing him due to fall damage. "Ah, ah, no!"
Connah Connah Rooni 10 Having no healing and recall potions, Connah was murdered by Skeletron. "I don't have any. I don't have any recall..."
Jacha Jacha 10 While making a Hellevator, Jacha got too close to one of his dropped Dynamite and was blown up. "No..."

Foreshadowing[edit | edit source]

  • Quote's Death was foreshadowed by rolling the lowest in the group in the "Death Roll" at the beginning.
  • Jacha predicted early on that the second person to find a life crystal would die first, the second life crystal was found by Quote (who died first) and then harvested by Tahmis.
  • Tahmis and Civvv predicted that they were going to both die to the same boulder due to the second "Death Roll", and while they didn't die to a boulder, Scrubby and Waffle succumbed to the predicted fate. Not only that, but while not at the same time, Tahmis and Civvv died one after another, within a 25-minutes time-span.
  • Minutes before Scrubby and Waffle's deaths, Jacha joked that "Wouldn't it be a shame if a boulder just came rolling down?", foreshadowing the fate of Waffle and Scrubby.
  • At the beginning of Episode 8, Civvv states that he wonders how he hasn't influenced someone's death yet. Later in the episode, Civvv is the one who notices the sword shrine, inadvertently leading Tahmis to his death.
  • While the final 3 were discussed who was like who the most from the PBG Terraria 3's survivors, Civvv due to having played Terraria the least amount of time, stated he was the most like Luchajin. In the same episode, Civvv dies, giving him the same ranking as Luchajin (3rd).
  • In the first episode, it was said that the first person to find a heart crystal would be the last survivor; Jacha found the first heart crystal and was the last survivor.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is the third published HC where a team of three is brought down to one, the first two being Colorcore! and Minecraft SyKore (in terms of upload order).
  • This is Civvv's first guest appearance in another HC
  • This is Connah, Jacha, Waffle, and Dan’s first appearance in a recorded hardcore.
  • The original videos were deleted along with the main channel, but have since been reuploaded by Lucca.