Renn's Hardcore/Minecraft CurseCore

Minecraft Cursecore is the second official season of Renn's HC. The cast consists of Renn, PraisedBeScrubby, Cri, Hero, Spicy, Piggy, Quote, and Awokenkyoger. Each member is afflicted with a unique curse that hinders them or forces them to play differently, or else risk dying to their shortcomings.

Episodes Edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
Trailer 1 N/A Dec 21, 2018 [T1]
Trailer 2 N/A Feb 22, 2019 [T2]
0 Pre-Game! Apr 9, 2019 [0]
1 We Kill All Colors! Mar 5, 2019 [1]
2 Showing Off! Mar 8, 2019 [2]
3 Just Me. Mar 10, 2019 [3]
4 Pushing Our Luck! Mar 12, 2019 [4]
5 Journeying Home! Mar 15, 2019 [5]
6 TWO HOURS! Mar 17, 2019 [6]
7 Nether Time! Mar 19, 2019 [7]
8 Instant Karma! Mar 22, 2019 [8]
9 One Last Sweep! Mar 24, 2019 [9]
10 A Little Risk! Mar 26, 2019 [10]
11 Explosion Christmas! Mar 29, 2019 [11]
12 Stick Together! Mar 31, 2019 [12]
13 HULK SAD! Apr 2, 2019 [13]
14 Genuinely Spooked! Apr 5, 2019 [14]
15 We Can Do This! Apr 7, 2019 [15]

Curses Edit

Name Curse Effect
Renn Curse of Adrenaline Speed 3
Scrubby Curse of Insensitivity Cannot see health
Cri Curse of Hyperactivity Maximum mouse sensitivity
Hero Curse of Lumberjack Can only use axes in combat + place wood
Spicy Curse of Inflexibility Cannot sneak
Piggy Curse of Management Halved inventory space
Quote Curse of Frailty Permanent chain armor
Kyoger Curse of Laterality Cannot use off-hand

Deaths Edit

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Quote (Frailty) Captain Tuck (Rhythm Heaven Fever) Quote_Izkewl 8 While looking inside a chest, Quote is ambushed and slain by a Wither Skeleton. Two hearts!

Two hearts!

Renn (Adrenaline) MAN-K (Rhythm Heaven) CommanderT4k4 9 Renn was hit by a wither skeleton while fighting off blazes. Unable to heal, he withered away. Oh my god! Wither! I'm gonna die!

Half a heart, NOOO!

Spicy (Inflexibility) Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa V3) Spicyman33 10 After he aggroed the other Pigmen, they swarmed arround him and killed him. I'm fucked!
Cri (Hyperactivity) Trevor Philips (Grand Theft Auto V) iCryInMySleep 12 While fighting a Creeper, Cri did not shield the explosion and was blown up. WHAAAA-
Scrubby (Insensitivity) "Hero Banana" PraisedBeScrubby 14 While attacking the Enderdragon, Scrubby was flicked off and killed by an Enderman. He had no idea he was low thanks to his curse. OHHH!
Kyoger (Laterality) Cranky Kong (Donkey Kong Country) AwokenKyoger 14 Kyoger was charged by the Enderdragon while his back was turned, and was knocked into the void. You got this, guys!
Piggy (Management) Gundham Tanaka (Danganronpa 2) ConspicuousPiggy 15 After spawning the wither, the wither switched aggro onto Piggy and as Hero couldn't shoot the wither, Piggy was eventually killed by a wither skull. OH!
Hero (Lumberjack) Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa 2) RikiTheHeropon 15 As he was unable to use a bow to kill the wither, he was forced to hit it with his axe from under a tree. Unfortunately, he was hit by a wither skull and died. No. Please-NO!

Portraits Edit

Art By Rosswell
Name Alive Dead

Player Skins Edit

Intro Quotes Edit

"You heard it here first kids, Thanksgiving's gay!" -Renn "OH MY GOD WITHER! I'M GONNA DIE!" -Renn

"I hate it when baseball makes my ass all loose!" -Scrubby "OH!" -Scrubby

"It's gonna fuck me up and kill me." -Cri "WAAAAAGH!" -Cri

"Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky." -Hero

"This shifting thing is brutal." -Spicy "Just come back! Come back please!" -Spicy

"We're probably all gonna die, but that's alright!" -Piggy

"It's been three minutes and I already hate you." -Quote "OH! OH NO NO NO! NO!" -Quote

"Are you ready to die?" -Kyoger "NO! YOU GOT THIS GUYS!" -Kyoger

"I can watch my own back." -Cri

"Should we breed the cows or should I breed with the cows?" -Scrubby

"I have a mushroom." -Piggy

"This is my hole!" -Quote

"I hear zombies and it scares me!" -Kyoger

"Teaspoon of disappointment mixed with a tablespoon of hype." -Scrubby

"Hi spider, how you doin'? You're hostile." -Quote

"I have curse of management and I'm filling my inventory with flowers!" -Piggy

"Ooh, I found a cave!" -Cri

"Aww, that's bad! That's a bad!" -Spicy

"You have to read between the lines." -Hero

"We've got visitors." -Spicy

"I kinda wanna explore this cave first." -Cri

"We're better than all of you!" -Kyoger

"I'm at half health already." -Renn

"How can I ever recover from such a burn?" -Hero

"It's what you get for having eyes." -Scrubby

"Time to show off." -Quote

"Oh my God!" -Piggy

"Oh fuck, cave spider." -Renn

"I can't get out!" -Spicy

"Why are we doing this?" -Scrubby

*Bold text symbolizes the quote after that person has died.