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Hardcore Stats

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words Place
User MineZ #2 Mumkhar (Xenoblade Chronicles) ProtonToad *8 After the series, Toad killed himself with the Spike Thrower. "I win! ...oh god I'm gonna die to this zombie-" 1st/9*
Squidward MineZ #2 Squidward


ProtonToad 6 Failed at parkour with lava beneath it. "Nope! It didn't work. I didn't jump, I didn't jump. No!" 3rd/7
Themecore Minecraft #0 Dimentio (Super Paper Mario) ProtonToad 7 Melee'd by a Blaze in a closed off room. "OH! OH! OH MY GOD! 6th/7
SyoCore Minecraft #1 Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa) ProtonToad 3 While running down a mountain to try and save Quote, an Enderman knocks him down the mountain, bringing him to dangerously low health before finally finishing him off. "Oh god! I'm gonna die!!!" 7th/7
Squidward MineZ #4 Captain Magma (Spongebob) ProtonToad 16 While he was on the moving platform in Air Trial, Wistward accidentally pressed the back button, causing him to fall into the void. "WIST! What!? No!" 3rd/16
Nova Quest Minecraft #1 Alvis (Xenoblade Chronicles) ProtonToad 16 After Cri finds two Creepers, Toad tries to run by one of them as they were exploding, but he fails to shield in time and dies. "AUUGHH!!!" 4th/7
Connrad's Hardcore Series MineZ #1 (Steven Unicore) Garnet (Steven Universe) AmishBigOlDoinks 2 While looting at Pileus, Toad accidentally fell through a hole and died to fall damage. "I don't undertsta- Oh, shiiit!" 5th/5
Themecore Minecraft #1 (Pokémon) Roserade (Pokémon Diamond/Pearl) ProtonToad *19 (Epilogue) After defeating the Ender Dragon and returning home, Toad jumped off of Raio's perch to end the season, dying to fall damage. "TEAM BARRRYY!" *1st/9
Cri Minecraft End Mini #1 Muk (Pokémon) ProtonToad 1 When he went to go attack the Ender Dragon, it launched him high into the air, causing him to die to fall damage. "OH my god! Goodbye!" 3rd/6
Goldenbrawler Terraria #1 N/A ProtonToad *24 After being brought to down to dangerously low health in a duel, he was finished off by Shoop. "No, no, no! C'mon! GODDAMMIT!" *2nd/7
ToastCore Diablo II Druid OrangeJusToad 9 When Toads game stopped working he left and never returned. N/A 6th/7
Cri Vinyl Fantasy Mòrag Ladair (Xenoblade Chronicles 2) ProtonToad *13 After completing the Monument, Toad plunges himself into the Void alongside Eugh. "Vinyl Fantasyyy! I LOVE SQUIDWARD!" *1st/9

*indicates he either survived or died after the goal was completed.