Minecraft Super Smash Bros Mini Hardcore (SY64)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minecraft Super Smash Bros Mini Hardcore is the first mini-hardcore of SY64 HC while also marking the abrupt end of SY64 HC. The cast consists of Cody S., NintenDweeb, Qwoppy, ShippyDoo, Heath, Cameron, JR, and Del.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 The Ultimate Smackdown! Nov 13, 2018 [1]
2 Die Del! Nov 16, 2018 [2]
3 The Timeless Battle Nov 20, 2018 [3]
4 Challenger Approaching! Nov 23, 2018 [4]

Player Stats[edit | edit source]

Name Username 1st Death 2nd Death 3rd Death 4th Death 5th Death 6th Death 7th Death Wins Overall Placement
SuperYoshi64 Yomshi 1 - 2 2 1 1 - - 5th
NintenDweeb NintenDweeb 3 1 - - - 1 2 - 6th
Qwoppy Qwopunism 2 2 2 1 - - - - 8th
ShippyDoo shippydoo - - 1 - 1 3 1 1 3rd
Heath InvaderHeath 1 3 1 2 - - - - 7th
Cameron CamAndJelly - 1 - - 2 2 1 1 2nd
ImJustJR ImJustJR - - - - 3 - - 4 1st
Del Delritos, Veghetto - - 1 2 - - 1 3 4th

Rounds[edit | edit source]

# Death Order Winner(s)
1 Qwoppy, Heath, Del, SuperYoshi64, ImJustJR, ShippyDoo, NintenDweeb Cameron
2 SuperYoshi64, NintenDweeb, Qwoppy, Heath, ImJustJR, Cameron, Del ShippyDoo
3 Heath, Qwoppy, SuperYoshi64, Del, Cameron, ShippyDoo, NintenDweeb ImJustJR
4 NintenDweeb, Cameron, Qwoppy, Heath, SuperYoshi64, ShippyDoo ImJustJR and Del
5 NintenDweeb, Qwoppy, Heath, SuperYoshi64, ShippyDoo, Cameron ImJustJR and Del
6 Qwoppy, Heath, SuperYoshi64, Del, Cameron, NintenDweeb, ShippyDoo ImJustJR
7 NintenDweeb, Heath, ShippyDoo, Qwoppy, ImJustJR, SuperYoshi64, Cameron Anon

Trvia[edit | edit source]

  • Pupzel and Wist were both planned for this mini, but both couldn't make it.
  • At the end of episode 4 it ironically states that "SY64 HC will return in 2019" yet less than a month later the whole series was scrapped.
  • Since Del rage quitted on episode 4, this ended up leaving a slot open in the lobby and allowed user Veghetto to join. He was given a joke portrait made by Yoshi for the only match he appeared in.