MineZ Hardcore Season 1 (Top Hardcore Players)

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Revision as of 15:25, 12 February 2022 by imported>JacobSC118

MineZ is the sixth official season of Top Hardcore Players. Its cast is split into two teams which must meet up and complete the Shrine of the Dusk. One team has Ethan, Bucket, Nate (THP), Funky and Zakk, and the other team has Meta, Darth, Luke, Toni and Otto. In episode 6, WillCam joined the cast. This season is one of two seasons in the THP Double Feature, the other being Don't Starve Together.


# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 THP DST #1 ALL CAPS Jun 1, 2021 [1]
2 Combination DST and MineZ Season Jun 4, 2021 [2]
3 Base Burning Jun 7, 2021 [3]
4 Betrayal Jun 8, 2021 [4]
5 Firing Squad Them Jun 11, 2021 [5]
6 The Farm Jun 14, 2021 [6]
7 Shrine Jun 15, 2021 [7]


Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Ethan Fred (SpongeBob SquarePants) EthanComma 4 After the group betrayed their Frost friends, Frostpain_ and Frostrain_ attacked Ethan. Although he was able to kill the former and bring the latter down to low health, he tragically perished in the battle. "Oh, I'm gonna die. Fuck!"
Luke Kerplunk (Green Day) lukeski4 5 In Forest, Luke walked out of earshot from the group and died to two Zombies that chased him through the outskirts of the town. Unaware of Ethan's death that had happened prior, Luke proceeded to have a mental breakdown under the assumption he had died first again. His poor wiki stats! "Wait, hold the phone. Hold the- Oh my god, no! Noooo, that's so embarrassing, no! Oh my god, that's so embarrassing, tell me that did not just fucking happen. Noooo... *laughing/crying* I just got- come on, no! I'm so fucking baaad! Noooo! *more laughing/crying* I'm so bad! Noooo! Not my stats again! Oh, they're fucking plummeting, my wiki stats! *hysterical laughter/cries* I died first again, no! Fuck... Come on... *even more laughing/crying* Nooo... Not again! Not again! *squeaky inhale* WHYYYYY?! Whyyyyy did I do that? *mental breakdown noises* Nohohohohohohooo! N- SNEAKYSTEVE!!! *hysterical laughter for half a minute* BUSTERMCGINTY! Turn around, BusterMcGinty. SPEAK TO ME! *even more laughter signifying Luke's descent into madness* NOOOOOOHOHOHOOOO! What is happening?! AAAAAARGH! NOOOOOOOO! WHYYYYYYY?! Why did I do that?! Nohohohohooooo... Noooooooo... Why? Why did that have to happen to me? FUCK THIS GAME!"
Meta Rem Lezar (Creating Rem Lezar) MetaTHP 5 The group got chased out of Forest by bandits Nyke and szr. As Meta tried to run from them, he got hit into several trees, slowing him down before he perished. "I'm runnin', I'm runnin'. NOOO!"
Toni Tom Scott _tonio 6 After the attack outside Forest, Tonio was chased through the woods. After he got hit by Nyke's grenade and took minimal fall damage from jumping off a hill, his last health was depleted by a swipe by Nyke. "Nice 'nade, bro."
Darth Mulan (Mulan (1998)) DarthAurora_ 7 Was tragically chased and killed by many Zombies in the bridge room of Shrine of the Dusk. "No, I have a heart, I have a heart! NAH-!!"
Otto Four Nintendo GameCubes ottoshadow 7 After completing Fire Trial, he was overcome by a horde of Zombies and was finished off by Eevee knocking him off a ledge by accident, having him die of fall damage. "I'm- gonna die... WOAH! I'm dead!"
Eevee Dingodile (Crash Bandicoot) Eevee88 7 Was swept with guilt after murdering Otto and was killed by the Zombie horde. "Oh shit, did I kill Otto? I didn't mean to. I'm-"
Bucket The Legion (Dead by Daylight) __Bucket__ 7 After nearly getting killed by Otto's Zombie, he was chased by the Zombie horde and was killed by it while desperately pleading for help in his final moments. "Oh my god-"
Zakk Steve (Minecraft) Weltansch 7 Was killed by the same Zombie horde seconds after Bucket while pleading for help in the same way. "No! No, Bucket, I'm at half a heart, please!"
Funky Garrett Hilbert (Dude Perfect) f_unky 7 After getting cornered by the horde of Zombies, he tried to run away from them, but accidentally pressed his Escape key in the process and was killed in the same way as his friends while laughing maniacally as his life was taken from him before Will's eyes. "Oh shoot, no, oh I hit- I hit Escape! I'm an idiot! *maniacal laughter* No, no I hit- I hit Escape and then my game froze! I just killed myself!"
WillCam A sloth WillCam_ 7 After escaping the ordeal that had killed his friends, he bravely went back into Shrine and soloed it with lofi music playing in the background. It wasn't shown, but you can trust me! He survived! *Lofi music playing*

Player Portraits


  • Toni also died on the sixth episode of Don't Starve Together, meaning he died twice in the same episode.