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"I lost connection, okay, goodbye." - IciCole (CragCore MineZ #1)

IciCole is the host of IciCore, a regular in Ultima and CragCore, as well as a guest in Splitz, Fudgecore, Astra Hardcore, Spooks & Co., Spacerycore, Team Scallop, The Wild Area, Hardcore Man, Barkore, The DOOMED Mini, and Waffle's HC.

Hardcore Involvement[edit | edit source]

Participation[edit | edit source]

Main Series
Series Season Username Character Death Episode Death Cause Last Words Place
Spacerycore Minecraft #1 IciCole Steve (Minecraft) ??? ??? ??? ???/13
CragCore Happy Wheels Mini N/A Pogostick Man 1 katana falls onto him, killing him. (confirmed post-recording) "Oops." 2nd/5
CragCore MineZ #1 Orphance Dry Bones (Super Mario) 6 Had connection issues so he logged off and did not return. "I lost connection, okay, goodbye." 6th/8
The Wild Area Calamity Canyon IciCole Cyan Crewmate (Among Us) 8 After taking a few hits from a Baby Zombie with an Iron Sword, he accidentally backs up into a cobweb, in which he is swiped by Delta two times while trying to kill the Zombie. "I'm dead." 4th/8
Tales from the Hood Minecraft Discrimination IciCole King Kyle (South Park: The Stick of Truth) 5 Soon after cruelly squishing Velvet, he was murdered by Sophie with an axe. "I'm trolling! I'm trolling! I'm trolling!" 10th/14
Barkore PTMC IciCole A Nintendo Switch 6 Killed by an Enderman. "I died." 3rd/11
Waffle Hardcore Minecraft #1 (Scrapped) IciCole King Boo (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon) N/A Got taken by a yellow slime, which jumped up and down, causing him to die of fall damage. "I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead." 7th/8
IciCore Holiday Halls IciCole Terence (Angry Birds) 2 Shot by an Elf Overseer after getting stuck in a web. "So dead." 5th/8
Barkore PTMC: Re-Dooie IciCole Jeff the Killer (Creepypasta) 7* Lit himself a fire and stood in it until he burned to death. "Name Jeff." 1st/10*
Ultima Permanight IciCole King Boo (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon) 9* Betrayed by Blobbs whilst he was fighting Aidan. "Ay! No, why?!" 3rd/10*
Team Scallop Shizam Jams: Foul Play 1.5 forthejammiez N/A 4 Blown up, walled off by spikes, hit into lava, and shot repeatedly by Andrew during the Wall of Flesh battle before being killed in the crossfire by Velvet. "Actually has me as his target..." 3rd/8
IciCore Minecraft IciCole Boney (Mother 3) 9 Once Spooks died, it was over. After hiding in a building and getting the Wither into it's second phase, he tried to melee it, only to be withered through his shield regardless. After another failed melee hit and a burning shot from a Wither Skeleton, he tried his best to flee, only to be sent into the air by the Wither, dying of minor fall damage. "Well, thank you all for watching Minecraft IciCore, it was, uh..., it was awesome, I guess. I can't really do much here... I'm kind of- ok, well, that's fun." 1st/8
Astra Hardcore Phobia IciCole A bowling pin 14 Instantly caught the Wither's aggro and withered away into a little pile of ash. "Well, have fun, I guess... I’m at two, so... uh... yeah." 4th/14
Fudgecore Terraria: Eternity Mode blue stick N/A 6* Killed by my good friend Skeletron! "I'm going. I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone! I'm gone! Weeeeee! WEEE!" 1st/9*
Spooks & Co. Minecraft IciCole Spooks 3 After being ambushed from above by a horde of enemies, he was eventually cornered and killed by the same Zombie with an axe that killed Andrew. "NO! Oh my god." 9th/10
Splitz Shapeshifted IciCole Bloon Liquefier (Bloons Tower Defense) ??? ??? ??? ???/12

Portraits[edit | edit source]

Series Artist Alive Dead Other
IciCore Torin
Spooks & Co. Rosebuddy
Team Scallop Mikey😈
Barkore Katya
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