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Cri's HC/Squidward Hardcore 3

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MineZ Season 3 is the third Cri's Hardcore Series hosted and edited by Cri. It follows 7 Squidwards on a quest to please the Giant Squidward in the Sky via completing the Meteor Crater; Criward, Wistward, Scrubward, Heroward, Jiramward, Userward, and Swanward.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Ft. Wist, Scrubby, Jirami and Hero! Oct 24, 2017 [1]
2 OUR GOALS! Oct 26, 2017 [2]
3 PARKOUR! Oct 29, 2017 [3]
4 SQUAVALE! Nov 7, 2017 [4]
5 GETTING HUNGRY! Nov 14, 2017 [5]
6 AGNI SQUIDNESS! Nov 16, 2017 [6]
7 FINALE!!! Nov 17, 2017 [7]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Criward iCryInMySleep 7 Killed by the lava which hid the entrance, "Oh my god, NO!"
Scrubward PraisedBeScrubby 7 Killed by lava he was standing in to heal. "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm GONNA D-ACK!"
Swanward OldySwoonyyy 7 Killed by zombies while trying to get through lava. "I'm dead."
Jiramward Bestward 7 Died to a Zombie Pigman. "I'm dead, it's over, I'm dead."
Userward WeebUser 7 Died just after Jirami to lava since he drank a water bottle instead of a potion. "I made it, I made it."
Wistward InvaderWist 7 Was launched into lava right after User and Jirami died. "No, Jirami! I'M DEAD!"
Heroward ASpookyHeroFish 7 Since he wasn't able to record, he killed himself via lava. "That's it! That's the end!"

Player Portraits[edit | edit source]

Intro Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Kill him on sight, where is he?!" -Criward

"Oh, behind you Wist!" -Jiramward

"Eat cake, make no mistake." -Scrubward

"It's fucking Spongebob." -Jiramward

"Killing a man excites the Squidward!" -Scrubward

"WHO'S THAT?! Who the heck is that?!" -Wistward

"Wist, you might wanna calm down." -Jiramward

"I see a pig! I see a pig!" -Swanward

"That's terrifying!" -Scrubward

"I have almost no idea what to expect." -Criward

"I'm at half heart, I'm at half heart!" -Heroward

"Every place we go we have to cleanse a soul." -Userward

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This season marks the first time a member didn't have a Squidward skin. Hero, instead of the usual Squidward skin, had a Patrick skin, but in his Squidward impression. Ironically, he was the last one left.
  • This is the first Squidward Hardcore with non-Nova Quest members.
  • This season and the previous season share a parallel, where all the team is wiped out in the dungeon.
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