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Revision as of 02:32, 18 October 2017 by imported>Wistxy


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Wist is the Host/Owner of Mystic Hardcore and a main in Delcore, and Extreme and a Guest in User's Hardcores 



Wist has featured in many fan hardcores, becuase he's very open to the idea, but not all of the fan hardcores are listed here, hes only been in, Mystic, Delcore, User, and Extreme.

In Delcore Apoc 1 Wist was the last survivior dying to bandits that killed soap.

In Delcore Terraria 1, Wist died with Heath when he went afk for a second and came back with a revival after Luke not making the 2nd session, dying the wall of flesh shortly after Del

In Delcore MineZ 1 Wist was killed by colin and it was made into a meme of people saying "Hey Wist I'm gonn enderpearl over to you", because of that, Wist depises enderpearls and throws them out of his inventory everytime he sees them.

In Delcore MineZ 2 When Wist tries recording near the ravine his mouse glitches forcing his character to walk into the ravine and dying from fall damage, and worse of all, his recording got corrupted, but you never got to heard his death scream, but it was pretty haunting.

In Delcore Minecraft 1 Wist died from a skeleton shooting his almost dead shieland a creeper blowing up at the same time killing him in front of del.

In Mystic MineZ 1 So far he's made it to the meet up place, having the most peaceful route during the season, except for running into 1 person, who was a friend of theirs.

In Minecraft Extreme #1 He joined as a joke and decided to make a joke of "The Man in the Walls" later being killed by Bacon after Wist was at half a heart from a skeleton.

In Minecraft Extreme #2 He joined with his friend del from Delcore and went and killed Tyler from outside drama, and living to the almost end, while fighting an enderman, he couldnt get through the door, and died from an enderman.

In User's MineZ 3 He is currently still alive with Wookie and Kyoger as his teammates, barely knowing them, and being the only "squeaker" on that team.