Unturned Hardcore Season 1 (THC)

From Hardcore Wiki
Revision as of 12:42, 29 June 2019 by imported>Natelepanda (changed some formatting issues with the death table)

Unturned THC season 1 is a Hardcore season uploaded and edited by MrMister. starring Mr_Mister, Hamsu, KallenasiaT, Elliot, MrMatth3w and Roboldi. the goal was to kill a giant zombie.


# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 6 heroes ??? [1]
2 Can you even die to zombies ??? [2]
3 expensive bananas ??? [3]
4 They have a tank ??? [4]
5 We need meds ??? [5]
6 undead soldiers ??? [6]
7 depressed traveler ??? [7]

Death Chart

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last words
Roboldi N/A N/A 1 Was unable to get on the server N/A
Elliot N/A mälliot 3 Was fighting a zombie whit MrMister. during the fight mr_mister accidentally killed him "I died, Mister you killed me".
MrMatth3w N/A Matthias... 3 was attacked by a zombie, when he was alone. he started bleeding and died to loss of blood "Well.. i died.."
Hamsu N/A Hasunaattori 4 was shot by a random player, when get to close to their base. "FUCK OFF, I DIED".
KallenasiaT N/A Yrttimarsu 4 Got too close to player base and was shot by th same player who killed hamsu. "No, me and hamsu are both dead"
Mr_Mister N/A Mr_Mister64 7 his game lagged and he accidentally shot someone, then he was attacked by the same player who kille Hamsu nad KallenasiaT and died "That was an accident, just an accident. Oh no NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO".

intro quotes

Hamsu: I will take it from you when you die.

Hamsu: close it.

Hamsu: you are so dumb.

KallenasiaT: where are you.

Elliot: i am alsow there.

Hamsu: i dont have stamina.

Mr_Mister: elliot isent dead, yet.

Hamsu: no fuck, i am low.

MrMatth3w: oh, go.

Hamsu: it dosent matter.

Mr_Mister: oh shit, two on me. no i am serious. they are on you, they are on you.

KallenasiaT: anything behind me.

Mr_Mister: are you recording?

Hamsu: yes.

Mr_MIster: good, elliot are you.

Elliot: what are we supposed to do there.

Elliot:  can you even die to zombies.