Twilight Forest Hardcore Season 1 (Purple Sprinkles)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minecraft Twilight Forest Season 1 is the first season of Purple Sprinkles' Hardcore Series. The cast consists of The Purple Sprinkles, Preston, Nick, David, and BlazinRaisin.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 The Adventure Begins Jul 10, 2019 [1]
2 David the Arsonist Jul 12, 2019 [2]
3 Naga Battle! Jul 14, 2019 [3]
4 FINALE! Jul 16, 2019 [4]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
David A cat daopp 4 Dug into a cave inhabited with Kobolds, where they proceeded to kill him. "WHAT THE FREAK!? WHAT THE HECK?!"
Purple Sprinkles Funky Kong bombermatt360 4 Dug into a cave with Kobolds and Skeletons, where he died quickly. "Would you blame the Great Depression on the people who didn't buy stuff?"
Preston Big Chungus bomerman 4 Allowed Zombies to spawn from a spawner that ended up killing him. "Dude, I'm gonna die."
BlazinRaisin Saitama BlazinRaisin 4 Died off-screen to Skeletons. *N/A
Nick Spiderman R3TRO5SP3CT 4 Nick's health was low when he got to the Lich and was killed by it. *N/A

*Indicates that the player's microphone had stopped working at the time and had no known last words.

Intro Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Can you not take my stuff?" -David

"I literally took everything you had." -Preston

"Why did you build this Preston?" -Purple Sprinkles

"So it would be faster." -Preston

"I want the pants!" -Nick

"The boss is a giant snake." -Purple Sprinkles

"Guys look i'm the Naga. RAWR!" -David

"I'm about to die, I'm about to die!" -Purple Sprinkles

"NO! HOW?" -Purple Sprinkles

"Someone died!" -Nick

"How is he here?" -Purple Sprinkles

"What the freak!? What the heck? OH MY GOD!" -David

"You forced me out of my hiding hole, if you just left me alone this wouldn't have happened." -David

"Did someone say Chinese Earthquake? (Blows into microphone)" -David