The Ruin

From Hardcore Wiki

The Ruin is the final boss of Starbound.

Kill Count[edit | edit source]

  • None

Survivors[edit | edit source]

Finding the Ruin[edit | edit source]

The Ruin can be fought after the Monolith Gate at the Ark has been opened. In order for this to happen, the player must defeat several bosses beforehand. These bosses are The Ixodoom, Asra Nox, Kluex Avatar, Big Ape, and The Bone Dragon. The Ruin itself is the size of an entire planet and you would have to dig down in order to reach the heart that you actually fight, with many enemies and a giant pitfall getting in the way. Once you've reached the core of The Ruin, you will need to fight Asra Nox a second time before fighting the heart. Asra Nox has the same attack patterns as those in the library, with the exception of the beam attack.

The Ruin's Attacks[edit | edit source]

  • Giant Laser: The Ruin shoots a giant laser in the middle of the arena that does tons of damage, this laser can damage enemies.
  • Tentacle Attack: It can rupture a tentacle out of the ground on the sides of the arena and also does tons of damage, this attack does not damage enemies.
  • Summon: Summons enemies found in the first part of The Ruin (before the heart) via pustules in the background. This attack may occur at any time of the fight, including when another attack is taking place.
  • Portal: The Ruin develops a portal that can summon enemies from other planets and bring them into the arena, and it will summon 1-2 enemies in this attack.
  • NOTE: This fight is much more difficult in Frackin' Universe, as the floor can make you bounce uncontrollably, The Ruin can summon much tougher Frackin' Universe enemies found in Delta Freya/Atropus Planets (with the summon attack, not the portal attack), and some of them inflict insanity (FU specific debuff that withers down your defense over time).

Defeating The Ruin[edit | edit source]

The Ruin is the definition of a bullet sponge, so a higher DPS is much more necessary for taking it down quickly. AOE and Spread weapons such as the Violium Broadsword or the Firestorm's Fury are recommended for taking out several summons.

After The Ruin (Spoilers)[edit | edit source]

When The Ruin is defeated, you technically die along with it but it doesn't register as a death because it leads to an incredibly long and boring cutscene. After the cutscene, you are resurrected and brought back to the ark, being rewarded a couple items that don't help with progression and it allows you the ability to access Ancient Vaults.