The Forest Hardcore Season 1 (Waluigi)

From Hardcore Wiki

The Forest is the fourth official season of Waluigi's Hardcore series The cast consists of Waluigi, Jiramikaze Säkkijärven, PraisedBeScrubbyFridgeJamieSamKashino. The Goal is to beat Megan Cross. The portraits are made by Rose.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
0 Season 4 Trailer May 5, 2020 [0]
1 Welcome to the Jungle! Jun 6, 2020 [1]
2 Catapult Beach! Jun 9, 2020 [2]
3 Search for the Wayowayo Man! Jun 13, 2020 [3]
4 Worship of the Skull Gods! Jun 16, 2020 [4]
5 Jose and Cose! Jun 20, 2020 [5]
6 Jesus Cave! Jun 23, 2020 [6]
7 Pirate Lumberjack! Jun 27, 2020 [7]
8 Log Cart From Space! Jun 30, 2020 [8]
9 Sick Bench! Jul 4, 2020 [9]
10 Demon Blue Yacht! Jul 7, 2020 [10]
11 Peace Sells Jul 11, 2020 [11]
12 King of Gaming Jul 14, 2020 [12]
13 National Geographic Jul 18, 2020 [13]
14 The Episode Where we go to the Snow Jul 21, 2020 [14]
15 The Descent in Madness Jul 25, 2020 [15]
16 Michael Myers From Hell! Jul 28, 2020 [16]
17 Sahara Labs Aug 1, 2020 [17]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Fridge Flying Fridge Master 5 Was swarmed by Cannibals. "AH!"
Scrubby PraisedBeScrubby 10 Took massive fall damage when he jumped down a ledge then somehow took damage again. "Oh! WHOA! WHAT!?"
Jirami deathburger_1993


17 Was overwhelmed and killed by Megan Cross. "Ah- Uh."
Waluigi dennis rodmantron *17 Defeated Megan Cross and survived. N/A
Jamie Ice *17 Defeated Megan Cross and survived. N/A
Sam ZoeyCannot *17 Defeated Megan Cross and survived. N/A
Kashino Kashino *17 Defeated Megan Cross and survived. N/A

Player Portraits[edit | edit source]