Terraria Hardcore Season 1 (Sojcore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Terraria Season #1 is the first official season of Sojcore. The cast consists of Sojin, Indago, Zap, Ben and NodOff. The goal is to defeat Skeletron.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Let The Chaos Begin Aug 8, 2018 [1]
2 sojcore death comp Nov 30, 2018 [2]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Zap ZapSojcore 2 Fell to their death off-screen. "Bye guys!"
Sojin gayman 2 Fell off a rope and was cornered by mobs. "Oh!"
Indago Indacoreisdedfuckyou 2 Just after Sojin dies, Indago falls off the same rope and was cornered by mobs. "I might be next, I might be next!"
NodOff TypicalAnimeManGuy 2 A few minutes later, NodOff falls off the same rope again, and is cornered by mobs. "NO I'M DEAD!"
Ben B U P 2* After defeating Skeletron, Ben kills himself of Fall Damage. "Wheee!"

Intro Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Yes, I am weaker than an infant." -Ben

"This is Sojcore, there's never too much gay." -Zap

"It's depressed, just like me!" -Indago

"Excuse me... uh, optical-uh beast, can you not?" -NodOff

*mindless lalaing* -Sojin

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Episode 2/Death Comp was edited by Ravennn due to Sojin having computer problems.