SyKore/Sea of Cinders

From Hardcore Wiki

Sea of Cinders SyKore is the fourth official season of SyKore hosted and edited by SyKo. The cast of the season includes all six regulars (SyKo, Raioknight, Jack Xiao Long, PraisedBeScrubby, SpaceFenix and Omegers) and two newcomers (ChickenMcKolay and ProtonToad). The goal of the season is to retrieve seven blocks of wool from seven different dungeons and bring them back to the monument in the map Sea of Cinders, a 1.12.2 complete-the-monument map created by Moldy.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
0 Trailer Aug 22, 2020 [0]
1 Welcome to Hell! Aug 25, 2020 [1]
2 Cinder Labs! Aug 29, 2020 [2]
3 On the Frontlines! Sep 1, 2020 [3]
4 The Cane Toad! Sep 5, 2020 [4]
5 Burning Bridges! Sep 8, 2020 [5]
6 Giant Mushroom! Sep 12, 2020 [6]
7 Railway of Anxiety! Sep 15, 2020 [7]
8 Chasm Catastrophe! Sep 19, 2020 [8]
9 Walking TNT! Sep 22, 2020 [9]
10 Spiderblight! Sep 26, 2020 [10]
11 Endgame! Sep 29, 2020 [11]
12 Acid Rain! Oct 3, 2020 [12]
13 The Great Caldera! Oct 6, 2020 [13]
14 Cinder Fortress! Oct 10, 2020 [14]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Omegers Midvalley the Hornfreak


Omegers 3 Was shot off a platform by a Skeleton and fell into lava. "Fuck!"
Toad This ProtonToad 4 Jumped into a hole opened by a Creeper that led directly into lava, ender pearled out, but got cornered and killed by a Skeleton. "I'm gonna burn to death, no, no, no!"
SyKo Rastamouse


Currymuncher47 4 Slipped into lava and got out, only to burn to death. "No!"
Chicken Jerkimedes

(Pit People)

ChickenMcKolay 5 Was shot off a ledge by a Skeleton and fell into lava. "Oh, that's it for me."
Scrubby Hypno Toad


PraisedBeScrubby 8 A Creeper blew another Creeper next to Scrubby, which blew up and brought him down to half a heart, and he was flung backwards by the explosion, taking fall damage as a result. "OI!"
Raio Starry Night

(Vincent van Gogh)

Raioknight 8 As he was rushing to break a spawner, he was shot off a ladder by a Flametouched Skeleton, and got cornered by several Creepers, which set off a chain of TNT Explosions that brought down him to low health, before being shot by the Flametouched Skeleton, causing him to burn to death. "How- two hearts. Oh, no, I'm dead, I'm dead, I- I'm sorry."
Jack Leone

(Akame Ga Kill!)

Jack_Xiao_Long 12 Was swarmed by Magma Cubes and lagged whilst trying to shield against them. "What's going on? NO!"
Fenix Sid

(Sid the Science Kid)

SpaceFenix *14 After winning, he missed an Ender Pearl and died in lava. "Ahhh, not again dude! Ahh not again, I always suck, I suck at life- ok bye, subscribe to me thank you, mwah."

*Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.

Player Portraits[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This was the first fan hardcore series Chicken had ever been in.
  • The version of the map played is actually an older version of the map, as the updated version of the map is only downloadable from the CTM Maps Repository, which you can find here.