Retrocore is a semi-joke Hardcore series hosted by Zack and HollowKiro where they put on different personas and sometimes invite freinds.

List of Seasons Edit

Season Cast Goal Result
Smash Bros Crusade #1 Zack, Michel, Nort, Silver, Jay, Koops, Bomby, Sora Beat All Stages Success
SMBX Invasion 2 #1 Zack, Michel, Nort, Silver, Jay, Koops, Bomby, Sora Kill Bowser Failure
Minecraft Frozen Terrain #2 Zack, HyperCreeper, Wendall, Dark, Drwmo, Grimm, Derame, Lava Spy Defeat the Ender Dragon ???

List of Scrapped Seasons Edit

Season Cast Goal Result
Minecraft Frozen Terrain #1 Zack, Michel, Ralkom, Angel Jay, Lava Spy, Koops, Sora Defeat the Ender Dragon Unfinished