PeanutButterGamer's Hardcore/Terraria Hardcore 1

Terraria Hardcore is the first Terraria Hardcore and the third PBG Hardcore season. This season had PBG, JonTron, Balmung135, McJones, and Barry returning for this Terraria adventure and introduced Paul and Jeff to Hardcore.

Cast Information and Death Order edit

Hardcore Cast
Cast Member Death Episode Cause of Death Last Words
  Barry 3 While fighting monsters with Jeff, he got overwhelmed by Zombies and was finished off by a Demon Eye. "Oh no. No!"
Paul 4 Presumably died to a nighttime mob such as a zombie or demon eye "Noooo!"
McJones 5 While Dean and McJones were trying to make it back to the others, he was crushed by a boulder trap on the way back. "Oh, crap!"
Dean 5 While Dean and McJones were trying to make it back to the others, McJones accidentally activates a boulder trap, killing them both. "OH! Dead!"
JonTron 7 A Demon Eye killed him while messing around. "This eye is just confused about why people are-"
Dennis RodmanTron
SpaceHamster 9 Killed by the Eye of Cthulhu trying to get up the house. "Oh my god, I can't- I can't move! NO!"
PeanutButterGamer 9 Died fighting the Eye of Cthulhu, with it only having 90HP remaining. "It's an eyeball, It's an eyeball! AGHHHHHH!!"

* Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.

Season Summary edit

[A summary of the events of the season, could be up to 3 or 4 paragraphs.]

# Thumbnail Title Release Date Length
1   Ft. Paul and SpaceHamster! Dec 11, 2012 12:44
[Short episode synopsis]
2   WHAT ARE WE DOING?! Dec 18, 2012 12:28
[Short episode synopsis]
3   DON'T DIE! Jan 4, 2013 12:01
[Short episode synopsis]
4   THE MOST HATED! Jan 14, 2013 11:47
[Short episode synopsis]
5   MINING FLASHBACKS! Jan 26, 2013 12:18
[Short episode synopsis]
6   OOPS! Feb 5, 2013 12:31
[Short episode synopsis]
7   LASIK SURGERY! Feb 15, 2013 11:26
[Short episode synopsis]
8   THE RULES OF MINING! Mar 2, 2013 11:33
[Short episode synopsis]
9   BOSS TIME! Mar 22, 2013 12:36
[Short episode synopsis]

Portraits edit

Portraits cut from various photos of contestants
Name Alive

Intro Quotes edit

"Heee hee no way!" -PBG

"C'mon wrong side!" -Jon

"Set it free!" -McJones

"I save him!" -Dean

"Ew, fucking gross!" -Paul

"Light it up, light up the area!" -Dean

"Barry, help me!" -PBG

"What are we doing?" -Barry

"I'm so scared!" -Jeff

"I got it!" -McJones

"CRAP!" -McJones

"Oh god!" -Barry

"I'm coming!" -Jeff

"So scared!" -Jon

"Get it, get it!" -PBG

"What is going on!?" -PBG

"Oh god!" -Jeff

"WHAT!?" -Dean