Minecraft Nether Mini Hardcore Season 1 (Splitz)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minecraft Nether Mini Hardcore is the fifth mini season of Splitz. The cast consists of JackP, Sentret, Nectar, Roily, Laozi, Kashino, Ins0rt, Pepe, and D3lta.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
Teaser A New Adventure Lurks Somewhere Underground... Feb 13, 2021 [T1]
0 Flamin' Hot Burrito Feb 25, 2021 [0]
1 Ft. Nectar, Roily, Afro, Kashino, Pepe, & Darex! Feb 27, 2021 [1]
2 Battles & Bartering! Mar 1, 2021 [2]
3 The Bastion Remnant! Mar 3, 2021 [3]
4 Fortress Fanatics! Mar 5, 2021 [4]
5 We REALLY Need to Leave... Mar 7, 2021 [5]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Pepe Kashino55 DumDumPeeps 1 (Confirmed in 5) Killed by Nectar before entering the nether. "Alright, there we go, oh frick."
Delta Cheeto with Pants iDarex 1 While mining for gold, lava was spilled onto Darex, and after falling down a cliff they finally burned to death. "No, nah I'm- thats-"
Nectar Cosmic n3ctar 3 While mining some blocks in the bastion, he accidently let loose some lava, which ended up killing him because of burn damage. "Oh no! Stan Dale!"
Sentret Trip (Façade) KingSentret 5 After getting low from Insort's axe, Sentret got hit by a ghast fireball and burned to death. "Ghast! Its been so lo- Oh fu-!"
Kashino JackP Kashino55 5 Hit by a Blaze after burning to half-health. "I'm the one who's on fire!"
Laozi Rabbid (Rabbids) A_F_R_O *5 After exiting the nether, Afro attempted to kill Roily, failed, and was subsequently killed by him. "NOOO!"
Roily 3DS Toad Circuit (Mario Kart 7) BroiledRoily *5 After killing Laozi, Roily was chased and killed by Jack. "You were literally hitting me with your sword, what do you mean!"
JackP Wonka Brand Chocolate Bar JackP *5 Escaped the nether and didn't die. N/A
Ins0rt Phil Eggtree (Riddle School) Ins0rt_Name_Here *5 Escaped the nether and didn't die. N/A

*Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Despite Pepe technically "dying" in episode 5, Pepe actually never died in the recording, however, he went off on his own and did his own thing, including escaping the nether after everyone won.