Minecraft Mole Edition Hardcore Season 2 (Onwcore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minecraft Mole Edition Hardcore is the 2nd Season of Onwcore. The cast consists of Owen, Quinten, Jayvis, Blue, Ellie, Caden and Froto

Name Episode Cause of Death Last Words
Blue 3 Drank a fire resistance potion and attempted to jump in a lava stream. The lava was too shallow which caused Blue to die of fall damage. “*sigh*”
Jayvis 4 Cornered by multiple Piglins in a bastion. Had their shield break causing them to have their atoms pulled apart by the Piglins. “There goes my shield! There goes my shield.”
Caden 4 Hit a Zombified Piglin by accident trying to kill a magma cube. Ended up getting ambushed and ended up in a porky mosh pit causing their shield to break and shortly after all of their bones. “Help, Help! No literally, help!”
Ellie 5 Obliterated by a hoglin off screen. “No, I’m dead. Half a heart. Dead.”
Quinten 7 Launched dozens of kilometers into the air by the Ender Dragon and failed to save their fall. N/A
Froto 7 Suffered pretty much the same fate as Quinten. “Oh woah woah woah! I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead. I’m dead!”
Owwn 7* Jumped off a bridge from the spawn platform onto a beach below. “That was finna cash money.”