MineZ Mini Hardcore Season 6 (Sascore)

From Hardcore Wiki

MineZ Mini #6 is the eighth mini season of Sascore. The cast consists of Sas, Zapow, Hammy, Albinum, Calven, Creeperman, Dagger, Dragon, JackP, Jam, Hypixeon, Lightning, Nappy, Orca, Roily, Soap, Squiddy, Toaster, and Tri. The goal was to complete Devil's Respite. This season plays after the finale of Herobrine's Mansion Sascore, to fill the runtime of the episode.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Herobrine's Mansion Sascore! Part 3: (THE SPIRIT OF MINECRAFT!)
Oct 30th, 2020 [1]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Cause of Death Last Words
Dragon Bulbasaur in a bathing suit dragonslayer21YT Killed by Lightning due to Lightning not realizing how low he was. ''I'm at two hearts.''
Lightning Milo Murphy (Milo Murphy's Law) LightningBolt220 Fell in lava in the parkour before the entrance to Devil's Respite. N/A (was muted)
Dagger ??? Daggerlight Fell in lava in the parkour before the entrance to Devil's Respite. "AH DAMMIT, GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!" *destroys desk*
Tri Yasuhiro Hagakure (Danganronpa) TriforceDeLink Lagged out in the 3 way room, and burned in the lava. "...d--ie..."
Hammond ??? Digga_Leg Got Locked out of the wave room, and was considered dead. ''Someone pressed the button before Calvin and I got in'' (in chat)
Calven ??? Calven_Is_Real Got Locked out of the wave room, and was considered dead. N/A (was muted)
Toaster ??? TRLittleToaster Got himself trapped in one of the pressure plate cages, and so he killed himself using /mz kill. "Bye guys, see you later!"
Orca ??? OrcaHedral Failed the main parkour in Devil's Respite, got low to a lot of Pigmen and Zombies and was accidently finished off by Nappy. "I'm on half a heart..."
Creeperman ??? IndieRedede Failed the main parkour in Devil's Respite, and was killed by a Zombie Pigman Explosion. "What the frick!"
Zapow Nao Egokoro (Your Turn to Die) DaZapow Failed the main parkour in Devil's Respite, and was killed by Zombies and Pigmen. "No! I'm gonna die, There's a pigman! Help!"
Soap ??? Vaporeon22 Failed the main parkour in Devil's Respite, and fell to his death. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!''
Jam ??? Jam_0800 Failed the main parkour in Devil's Respite, and was killed by a Zombie Pigman Explosion. "Crap..."
Jello ??? JelloTheWeeb Didn't realize she was thirsty and died to dehydration. "What?!"
Nappy An apple (Minecraft) Nappy3 No-cheated in the boss room and died of fall damage. "...I no-cheated no! Frick!"
Albinum Blue Toad (Super Mario) Albinum No-cheated in the boss room and burned in the lava. "Bye boys! I lagged."
JackP ??? JackP Failed the boss room parkour, fell in lava, and finally burned to death. "No I'm not gonna make it."
Squiddy ??? SquiddySquidHat Survived and didn't die. N/A
Sasege ??? SASTHEJELLYMAN Survived and didn't die N/A
Roily John Quincy Adams BroiledRoily Survived and didn't die N/A

*Indicates they either died or survived after the goal was completed.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • There were originally 30 to 40 people planned for the event, however only 19 showed up
  • Nobody other than Sasege and Zapow knew what this was before recording it but rather everyone was told to meet at Thannus at a specific time by Sasege
  • The mini was created solely to inflate the runtime of the final episode of the Herobrine Mansion Mini, hence why the event plays after the "true" final episode
  • This is the only MineZ Mini to not be edited by Sasege, with Zapow editing instead.
  • Due to being rushed, the joke announcing this mini has a few typos. Here's a list of all of them:
    • On the doc it says "24 person Devil's Despite run." There are 19 people, not 24, and the dungeon is called Devil's Respite, not Devil's Despite.
    • Near the end of the doc there's a note that says "If you are reading this ping me [Zapow] in the Sascore Game Corner for no particular reason." It's not the Sascore Game Corner, but Sasege2's Game Corner.
      • Sasege2's Game Corner was also deleted not long after this mini was posted, coincidentally.
  • This is technically the biggest cast ever in hardcore.
    • Universe's Edge still holds the record for biggest cast in a full season, however.