MineZ Hardcore Season 2 (Indacore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Minez #2 is the second official season of Indago's Hardcore. The cast consists of Indago, Poke, Smash, X3no, Jack, Tepig, PK, Tyler, and Ben. It was scrapped after episode one.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
0 Intro May 13, 2018 [0]
1 Humble Beginnings May 13, 2018 [1]
2 Mz2 Is Cancelled Jul 9, 2018 [2]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Ben Cyndaquil (Pokemon) blahblahben 2 While getting down from Camp Kharj, Ben messes up a jump on a cliff and falls to his death. N/A
Indago Totodile (Pokemon) AwesomeMoore2004 2 On the same cliff that Ben dies on, Indago also messes up the same jump and falls to his death. N/A
Smash Treecko (Pokemon) thesmashkid12 2 On the same cliff that Indago and Ben died on, Smash misses a jump and falls to his death. N/A
Poke Tohru ThatOnePokefan 2 While inside Paluster Shrine, Poke gets pulled by a zombie into a horde and dies to them. N/A
Tepig ??? EpicTepig120 2 In a water section of Paluster Shrine, Tepig is trapped underwater and drowns. N/A
Jack Lucas (Pokemon) Jack_Xiao_Long 2 While in the dungeon, Jack is cornered by zombies and dies. N/A
X3no Dawn (Pokemon) X3nophiliac 2 While running through Paluster Shrine, X3no is killed by zombies. N/A
Pk Kana xPkGqmerx 2 While going through Paluster Shrine, Pk hits a pigman and dies to the spawned zombies. N/A
Tyler Lucia TylerBearRyder 2 While close to the end of Paluster Shrine, Tyler is trapped and killed by zombies. N/A

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This was not the original second season planned, the first scrapped season was a Minecraft one, scrapped due to scheduling issues, lack of footage and a base series all together. Terraria #1 was also scrapped, as many people died early. Both seasons were mentioned in Indago's scrapping Indacore Minez #1 video.
  • The original plan for Minez #2 was a sixteen person hardcore, because Indago accidentally invited so many people he wanted to get them in a hardcore. It was scrapped due to him being have to manage 5 timezones.
  • 2 members would have been in this season but were replaced by Smash and Tepig. Quil and TheNintendoFox were planned along with Nooble but ultimately couldn't make it.