Math Duck Hardcore Season 1 (EXTREME)

From Hardcore Wiki

Math Duck is the best EXTREME hardcore featuring Bacin, Bluzin, Jcub, I THOT you said Weast, BuguL, Danal and Sop. Also The Ducks have teeth for some reason.

EPIC-sodes[edit | edit source]

Episode Title Link
Trailer New EXTREME TRAILER! too lazy
1 EPIC RACE! yep
2 EPIC QUACK ahhhh

In this season, Bacin nd his frienbs go on a such epic adventure to go get the world’s greatest cheese in eurpoe, althought they are all allergic to cheese. They get put into death race where they have to race to the finish by solving complicated puzzles, the duck in last FUDGKINGTGBTING DIES! So uhh the have to be fast and smart and be good and try not to die and be eaten and stuff. The smartest duck (which dosent say much) gets to live and earns the prize of getting beaten up with a wtench coated in peanut butter. Whomst’ved will be then winer? Find out next time on BeyBLADe

Da deathes ;((((((([edit | edit source]

Carter Eddy Soda Cuss Of Deaf Last Wood
boggle won too many grunts “AHHHG!”
sobe uno ur too slow! “NOOOOOOOHOHOHO”
baccoon 1th he died “This is a baby game, like this for babies like I can’t-”
jorb segon fatty fatty “Oh no oh no oh no oh no!”
denial i forgot lol existing “...”
wheat 2th rage quit “Are you kidding me? I’m done! I hate this game!”
firey kid he won lol no tbh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay