Loki's Hardcore Series

From Hardcore Wiki

Loki's Hardcore is a series hosted and edited by Sydney. Aside from the host, Lightning, Lilli and Nappy are mains. The portraits are made by Lightning.

List of Seasons[edit | edit source]

Season Cast Goal Result
Crumbling Descent Loki, Lightning, Lilli, Hammy, Jam, Creeper, Nappy, Nathan Obtain 3 wools to complete the monument Success
Terraria: Acceleration Loki, Lightning, Nappy, Jack, Aether, Panda, Lilli, Noodle Defeat the Wall of Flesh with faster gameplay Success

List of Scrapped Seasons[edit | edit source]

Season Cast Goal Result
Monstrosity Loki, Lightning, Lilli, Nappy, Jam, Dingus, Nathan, Creeper Obtain 12 wools to complete the monument Failure