F2P Mini Hardcore (ToniArcade): Difference between revisions

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|While resupplying, hethey waswere swarmed by '''Glyphid Grunts'''.
|"Keep resupplying... Ah..."
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|While bleeding out after being shot by ''SoSweatyIJ'', hethey waswere killed by '''SilverKing64's Defensive Bombardment'''.
|"This dude's like firing like a million rockets down at- What is happening?"
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|Just after he exited the portal to try and recover TonioToni, he was shot down by '''duck''' and then killed by their '''Finisher'''.
|"That did not work even a little bit! Oh my gosh, he's mori'ing me! No no no... ''*laughter*''"
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|''Caught on objects in the hallway'' while running away from '''Bucket''', who was able to catch up to and kill TonioToni.
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|Chased through a dilapidated building by '''Snou''', who killed himthem when hethey got ''caught on a tree''.
|"Ow, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm so dead. NAAAAAAW!"
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|Chased through the room by Scruffy, then tried to hide behind him while he was blinded and stunned from his camera. Too bad TonioToni forgot '''Scruffy''' wasn't in first-person view.
|"Oh! ''*laughter*''"
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|Teamed up with Bucket, Snou and Omegers to lure TonioToni to a room filled with bear traps. '''Toni''' managed to jump over one of them and kill Ten while he was trying to escape the room.
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|Tried to hide from '''Toni''' in a corner but stupidly didn't realize hethey could just look behind him.
|"No! You don't see me, fuck you! No! BlEgHhH!"
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|After '''Snou''' found TonioToni, Bucket and Ten hiding in a corner, Bucket ran right into him.
|Played nice and let '''Snou''' murder himthem after he lost himthem.
|"Just end my life. End my miserable existence."
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|His hangout with Nate and Child wasYiveswas interrupted by '''Robert'''.
|"No! You've doomed us! No!"