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Doomspire Season 1 (Kasser Hardcore)

From Hardcore Wiki

Doomspire HC the the second mini season of Kasser HC, and the first to include multiple cast members. The cast consists of Kasser, Civvv, Emmako, Robyn, Andy, and eventually Snow and Yoshi, with Joshie joining at some point.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Kasser's Doomspire HC Mar 18, 2019 [1]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Round 1[edit | edit source]

Name Username Cause of Death Last Words
Kasser agirst3 Blown up by Silver's Rocket "My Doomspire. No!"
Phantom PherntermJerx Fell with the bridge "Baby blocks for suck-up Koopa"
Civvv civ2 Fell with his doomspire. "Ayyyy I am pee puyyyyyy"
Andy MarioParty18 Survived. N/A
Silver Antiquated_HomeworkZ Survived. N/A

Round 2[edit | edit source]

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Civvv Fell with his doomspire. "You know what?"
Kasser Failed to assassinate Phantom, allowing Phantom to kill him with his sword. "How did you not die?"
Phantom Fell with his doomspire after Andy found the tower's weak spot. "We can win this war at Yarktown, cut them off at sea."
Silver Fell with his doomspire after Andy found the tower's weak spot. "Oh no..."
Andy Survived. N/A

Round 3[edit | edit source]

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Silver Unknown "..."
Civvv Failed to assassinate Phantom, allowing Phantom to kill him with his sword. "NOOOOOO!"
Andy Fell with his doomspire after Phantom found the tower's weak spot. "I'm still alive? Oh now I'm dead."
Phantom Fell with his doomspire after Joshie found the tower's weak spot. "Oh god there I go"
Joshie Survived. N/A
Kasser Survived. N/A

Round 4[edit | edit source]

Name Cause of Death Last Words
Joshie Fell with his doomspire. "Oh, I'm dead"
Civvv Survived. (Server reset) N/A
Phantom Survived. (Server reset) N/A
Silver Survived. (Server reset) N/A
Kasser Survived. (Server reset) N/A

Round 5[edit | edit source]


Cause of Death Last Words
Silver Failed a bomb jump. "We're on the same team!"
Civvv Blown up by Phantom's Rocket. "No! Why would you go for me!"
Kasser Fell with his doomspire. "No I am going to die."
Snow Fell with his doomspire. "Wait, this is being streamed?"
Phantom Survived. N/A
Yoshi Survived. N/A

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • This is the first season of Kasser HC to not be uploaded by Kasser, because his OBS was not working.
  • This is the first season of Kasser HC to be livestreamed. This also means it is the first season to not be edited.
    • Despite this, some background music plays at some point
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