Cosmic Cinders Hardcore Season 1 (Velveteen)
Cosmic Cinders is the second season of Renegade HC. The cast consists of Velvet, Ennui, Strato, Zapow, Pixelup, Rory and Brix. The goal is to complete the monument in the CTM map Cosmic Cinders.
Episodes[edit | edit source]
# | Episode Name | Release Date | Link |
1 | Gunning for Loot! | Aug 15, 2022 | [1] |
2 | High Risk, High Reward! | Aug 18, 2022 | [2] |
3 | Incredible Ratio! | Aug 22, 2022 | [3] |
4 | Jokingly Confusing Dungeon! | Aug 25, 2022 | [4] |
5 | Killer Chaos! | Aug 29, 2022 | [5] |
6 | Leaping Between Worlds! | Sep 1, 2022 | [6] |
7 | Make It or Break It! | Sep 5, 2022 | [7] |
Deaths[edit | edit source]
Name | Character | Username | Episode of Death | Cause of Death | Last Words |
Ennui | Birdman | EnnuiPastale | 2 | Snuck up on and blown up by a Flaming Creeper. | "OH!" |
Rory | Francis Pope (Big Nate) | m4rkiplier | 3 | Was in the midst of epic parkour going to the monument when Pixelup shot at him. The arrow hit and sent him into lava. | "I'm dead. Why would you shoot me!?" |
Brix | Nathaniel Bandy | Free_Birds_ | 3 | Pixelup's evilness kicked in again, collisioning Brix on a small bridge until he accidentally jumped in lava. | "You're the worst. Dropped out of school, but you can't drop a verse." |
Pixelup | Judy (Cyberpunk) | Pixelup | 3 | Feeling remorse for his crimes, Pixelup "accidentally" jumped into lava, slowly burning to death after getting out. | "Ah, yeah, I'm dead. See ya." |
Zapow | CHAT | DaZapow | 5 | Was shot into a corner by a Superior Heatborn Archer, getting trapped and killed by a Heat Monster after her shield broke. | "I'm dead. I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't-" |
Velvet | Marx (Kirby) | Veelveet | 7 | While breaking spawners, they were blown up by a surprise Thermonuclear Creeper and launched into the air at half a heart, causing them to die to fall damage. | "Oh my god!" |
Strato | Ezekiel (Total Drama) | StratoBlast74 | 7* | After playing the beautiful Minecraft song "blocks", he flew his elytra directly into the ground and died to fall damage. | "There you go. Eleven thousand... whatever." |