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From Hardcore Wiki

For every single Category on this Wiki, including the more technical ones not listed here, see Special:Categories.

This is a page listing variants of Categories found on this wiki.

Minecraft Hardcore Categories

Because of the variety of Minecraft Hardcores, they have been given their own section. If a Hardcore follows under one of these categories, do not list all of them that suit above. For example, if the season was of a Minecraft Map, do not also use the category for Minecraft Hardcores. Those are for the base game of Minecraft.

Other Hardcore Categories

For all of the remaining Hardcores genres. Popular Hardcores are bolded.

Honorable Mention

For Hardcore Seasons that have multiple rounds play out through its entirety.

General Categories

Used for any articles that display the results of Hardcores directly, namely Series, Seasons,
Automatically applied to any blog posts created by users from the Old Wiki.
Pages used to differentiate People with similar names or nicknames.
The goals of the Hardcore. Check the Hardcore Wiki Discord Server for more info on the requirements towards what Goals are shown on the Wiki.
Groups designated around creating Hardcores. Check the Hardcore Wiki Discord Server for more info on the requirements towards what Groups are shown on the Wiki.
For pages that don't have an Episodes Table or are missing links to episodes.
People that are found in Hardcores or have some connection to the community. Check the Hardcore Wiki Discord Server for more info on the requirements towards what People are shown on the Wiki.
Categories dividing seasons by the year of their first episode's release.
Series that have released Hardcores. Check the Hardcore Wiki Discord Server for more info on the requirements towards what Series are shown on the Wiki.
Pages that describe the events that carry out through the episode of a particular Hardcore.
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