Amidst The Sky Hardcore Season 1 (DJCore)

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Revision as of 06:36, 10 January 2021 by (talk)

Admist The Sky is the third mini season of DJcore. The cast consists of DJ, Thew, Roily, JackP, Visioné, Chucklenuts and D3lta.


# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 DJcore III...Cool Mar 14, 2020 [1]


Name Cause of Death Last Words
DJ Failed fatal parkour and died. "Oh, I'm dead!"
Mattt Lagged out. N/A
JackP Failed fatal parkour and died. "Oh, I'm dead as well!"
Contorted Failed fatal parkour and died. "I'm dead."
Roily Walked into mist that flung him off the platform he was on, causing him to die. "NO!"
Darex Suicided because they were stuck on a point where they couldn't do anything. "Gooo! Arghh!"
Chucklenuts Suicided because he was stuck on a point where he couldn't do anything. "I LOVE DJCORE!! WOOO!"

Player Portraits