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"Ohhhh, craaaaazy hamburger!" - Yives (Astra Minecraft #2)[edit | edit source]

Yives is the host of Yives Oddysey, a regular in CragCore, a former main and artist in Nyfen (Series), and a former regular in Ultra Hardcore and Dragoncore. He is a guest in Horizon, NCICORE, Astra Hardcore, Team Scallop, Bradycore, AriCore, Toni's HC, Warcore, The DOOMED Mini, and MAYHC. He is also a member of Top Hardcore Players.

Hardcore Statistics[edit | edit source]

Series Season Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last words Place
Nyfen (Series) Minecraft #1 ??? Lasagna_Human 1 While fighting a witch, a second witch came up behind him while he was poisonedand threw a Potion of Harming on Yives, killing him. "Yea... there's a witch." 9th/9
Dragoncore Minecraft #0 TV Head HeyItsChild 8 While he was fighting a Baby Zombie, it pushed him into a ravine. He lived with half a heart but in panic he fell off the ledge he was on and died. "Wait guys, the Baby Zombie's chasing me. NO! EGH!" 4th/7
Ultra Hardcore Minecraft #2 Dr Trayaurus (DanTDM) HiGuysChildHere 17 Once the Ender Dragon respawned, 4 end crystals blew up, killing Yives almost immediately. "What?" 3rd/9
CragCore Happy Wheels Mini Pogostick Man N/A 1 Died to Timmy. (confirmed post-recording?) "Zeus, strike me!" 3rd/5
CragCore MineZ #1 A rat Kidnap_Owen 7 Exploded twice by Zombie Pigmen. "Oh, I have one heart! I-!" 5th/8
AriCore Terraria #3 N/A the lorax 2 Tried to jump onto a rope, but missed it and died to fall damage. "Oh!" 9th/10
Astra Minecraft #2 Remote Controlled TV Wingleheimer 4 Two Bats, summoned by a Z0mb3y, got on Yives' head, knocking him into the Z0mb3y before he attempted to run away with the Bats still biting his head. "I'm at one heart! No!" 6th/8
NCICORE Very Big Core Hypno (Pokemon) meme_baby 15 Got the death of a MineZ player by falling off of the bridges at Anvalia "You better... get the life of a MineZ player! The griiiind. Oh.. ah!" 14th/30
Astra Harbinger Pure mLG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shwingglemimer 5 Got hacked by a much more powerful Punjabi Virus and got blown up by the most insane Lagpixel Creeper known to man. "What the f-what?!" 5th/8
MAYHC Dark World A Banana N/A 10 While planning a prank against the cast, a Skeleton shot him off a platform under the house, causing him to fall to his death. "Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" 7th/10
Toni Gauntlet Mr. Beckett

(Spartan High School Style)

Quinggleheimer 8 (revealed in 10) Killed by the Wither after flying off the roof with his parachute "Why is he so fast? What the hell!? Wait, what!?" 5th/12

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Yives makes a few special appearances in seasons, though not as a guest.
    • He appears halfway through Nyfencore MineZ #1, but is killed before he can meet up with the rest of the team.
    • He appears in Sonicraft's MineZ #2 as a bandit who follows the team, and after meeting them at Rag Tag's Cove he follows them to the jungle where he is bowed to death by the team.
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