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Winter Arena Clam Jams (Team Scallop)

From Hardcore Wiki

Winter Arena is the second season of Clam Jams. The cast consists of Andrew7s, Cuub, Brady, Lucca, JR, Funky, Bigga, and Ethan,

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 IT'S THE GRINCH! Dec 25, 2019 [1]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Cause of Death Last Words
Bigga (Pre-Revival) Christmas Tree Bigga_ Blown up by a Grinch. "Oh!"
JR Jschlatt (YouTube) ImJustJR Blown up by a Grinch while desperately trying to kill it. "No!"
Ethan, Awesome Peanut Butter Jelly Time Banana EthanComma Blown up by a Grinch. "Oh Shit!"
Lucca Default Skin (Fortnite) Lantrine Shot by a Frozen Fish "Oh guys uh-"
Brady Elf on the Shelf Brady8688 Shot by a Frozen Fish "Oh, i'm dead"
Funky Mariah Carey f_unky Shot by a Frozen Fish "Oh."
Cuub Crying Child (Five Nights At Freddys) Jacuub Shot by a Frozen Fish while backed up against a wall. "Oh god no! Uhhh uhh!"
Bigga (Post Revival) Christmas Tree Bigga_ Shot by a Frozen Fish while backed up against a wall. "Oh god!"
Andrew7s Funtime Freddy (Five Nights at Freddys) Darkiplier7s Shot by a Frozen Fish while backed up against a wall, ultimately falling in combat just like his friends. "Oh no!"

Player Portraits[edit | edit source]

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