WillCam: Difference between revisions

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Line 4:
WillcamKremscore.png|Krems HC Alive
WillcamKremscoreDead.png|Krems HC Dead
WillcamTHPAlive.png|THP Alive
WillcamTHPDanger.png|THP Danger
WillCamBarkoreAlive.png|Barkore Alive
WillCamBarkoreDead.png|Barkore Dead
Line 88 ⟶ 90:
|A sloth
|After escaping the ordeal that had killed his friends, he bravely went back into Shrine and '''soloed it''' with lofi music playing in the background. It wasn't shown, but you can trust me! He survived!
|''*Lofi music playing*''
<nowiki>*</nowiki> indicates he survived.