Denmark HC

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Denmark HC (formerly Tzatzikivisioncore) was a cringe hc hosted by Studied.

Season Cast Goal Result
MineZ 1* Studied, Tzatziki, Fuji Red Demon Temple Debatable but Loss
Roblox 1* (Isle) Studied, Charity, kywa Escape the island Win
Roblox 2*

(Fashion Famous)

Studied, Tzatziki, kywa, Fuji Be the hottest model ever (wasnt even a hc smh) N/A
Marble Race 1 Studied, Tzatziki, kywa, Fuji, Puffle, Octo, LightningE99, Fyr og Flamme Win the marble race Win (kywa)

Loss (Everyone else)

Roblox 3*

(Cruise Story)

Studied, kywa, Ian Escape the boat? what was the plot of the game Win


Funny Facts[edit | edit source]

  • The series was originally named after a made up server called "Tzatzikivision", it was eventually renamed to "Denmark HC" after Danish musical duo Fyr og Flamme.
  • All seasons have been privated except for the marble race.
  • The series was discontinued on 9/29/21 due to lack of interest.