The OLD Crew is a group on Skype, initially created by Wuggle in order to help with production on the show Object Lockdown. After a while the group just became a hub where the team would hang out. After Niall introduced the rest of the group to it, a large majority of the people there also began contributing to the Hardcore community as hosts, artists and editors. Despite the fact that the group itself is no longer used, the members of the group still communicate frequently.

Members Edit

Former/Inactive Members Edit

  • Spherical(Kicked)
  • Kirby(Kicked)
  • BlueVSRed(Inactive)
  • MrSpider(Inactive)
  • Drabon(Inactive)
  • EaZ(inactive)
  • MaybeDream(Inactive)
  • Witzi(Inactive)
  • Potato(Inactive)

"OLD Crew Branch" Hardcores Edit