Tetris Hardcore Season 1 (Shortcore)

Tetris #1 is the first official season of Shortcore. The cast consists of Cratetma, Jervy, Cody S, Luke, Travis, and Del.

Episodes edit

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 A Joke Taken Too Far Dec 20, 2017 [1]

Deaths edit

Name Points at Death Last Words
Del 1,010 "I'm actually dead, I'm dead, I'm dead."
Travis 42,687 "I-I lost."
Luke Unknown* "I died."
Cody 74,152* "Goodbye everyone!"
Jervy 86,663* "No, no, no. Ya I'm dead. Goodbye."
Cratetma 238,354* "No I'm dead. Yep, I'm dead."

*Died after they accomplished the goal.

(Note: the death order listed above is based on point total and not order of death. The actual order would be Del, Cody, Luke, Travis, Jervy, Crate.)

Trivia edit

  • Luke's score is the only one not seen in the HC, but it's confirmed that he won.
  • Cody's final score was 74,152 when he died, 24k more than the goal required.
  • Jervy's final score was 86,663 when he died, just over 30k more than the goal required.
  • Crate's final score was 238,354 when he died, 188k more the the goal required.