Terraria Hardcore Season 3 (Ultimate Mushroom)

From Hardcore Wiki

Terraria Hardcore Season 3 is the tenth main season of Ultimate Mushroom's Hardcore, hosted and edited by WePurpyPoo. The cast consists of WePurpyPoo, Spiiin, Nemo, Disco Slime, YammyYam, Budderhawk, Bewni, ItzJaylol, Gerg, Staac, NotLance, BlakeK173, WraithK395, Silhouette. The goal was to kill the Wall of Flesh boss.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
1 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 1 Feb 22, 2021 [1]
2 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 2 (Jungle Time) Mar 4, 2021 [2]
3 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 3 (Slandering My Name) Mar 26, 2021 [3]
4 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 4 (The Furnace Conundrum) Apr 6, 2021 [4]
5 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 5 (The Detonator Conundrum) Apr 20, 2021 [5]
6 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 6 (Extensive Mourning) May 18, 2021 [6]
7 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 7 (Cool Loot) May 28, 2021 [7]
8 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 8 (Flinx Staff at Last) Jun 4, 2021 [8]
9 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 9 (Definitely not Stealing) Jun 26, 2021 [9]
10 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 10 (Off We Go Again) Jul 14, 2021 [10]
11 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 11 (We're Down to 7) Aug 3, 2021 [11]
12 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 12 (The Sphere of Cthoolhu) Aug 7, 2021 [12]
13 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 13 (Team "Actually Playing the Game") Aug 31, 2021 [13]
14 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 14 (BIG BRAIN YAM) Sep 9, 2021 [14]
15 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 15 (Boss Rush) Sep 18, 2021 [15]
16 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 16 (The Skeleguy) Sep 25, 2021 [16]
17 Terraria Hardcore #3 EP 17 (ITS THE FINALE) Oct 7, 2021 [17]
18 Terraria Hardcore #3 Bloopers Oct 23, 2021 [18]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Disco Slime DIsco_Slimity_Slime_ 6 Drowned underwater in the Underground Jungle. "I CAN'T-I'm dying I'm gonna die. Drop it drop it oh I'm gonna die. Goodbye!"
Spiiin Spin 6 Died of fall damage. "No way-"
NotLance NotLance 8 Killed by a Man Eater in the Underground Jungle. "Oh come on come on heyheyhey NO-"
ItzJaylol ItzBobLol 8 Killed by a Spiked Jungle Slime in the Underground Jungle. "Oh no! My game froze-AH-"
Staac Shawniou 10 Blown up by an explosive trap underground. "And I-I think Blake-Blake you understand that so I think-"
Gerg Reko 10 Crushed by a boulder trap "Oh wait what is that to our right, I didn't see that-"
Bewni Bewni 10 Crushed by the same boulder trap as Gerg. "Woah, what's to the right?"
Budderhawk Poopyhead 12 Died of fall damage in the hellevator. "Oh I've had a gold pickaxe for awhile and I just completely ignored demonite."
WraithK395 WraithK395 14 Died of fall damage in the Corruption "No this creature killed me in our other world. AH-"
Nemo Void 17 Knocked by a teleporting Dark Caster into spikes in the Dungeon. "Joey there's like ground-breaky stuff all the way down here it's kinda scary. Do you see it all, it's all OH-"
Silhouette Silhouette *17 Killed by YammyYam in a post-goal PVP match. "Oh, that works! No, no, I-"
YammyYam Yam *17 Survived and beat the Wall of Flesh. N/A
BlakeK173 BlakeK173 *17 Survived and beat the Wall of Flesh. N/A
WePurpyPoo WeFurryPoo *17 Survived and beat the Wall of Flesh. N/A

*Indicates he either survived or died after the goal was completed

Art[edit | edit source]

Illustration of the full cast of Terraria Hardcore Season 3 by WePurpyPoo

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • YammyYam's character is not the same one he started out with at the beginning of the series. In between recording sessions, he joined WePurpyPoo's multiplayer livestreaming world and got his hardcore character killed repeatedly. His inventory was replicated by WePurpyPoo before the next recording.
  • The working theory on BlakeK173 surviving the detonator trap in Episode 3 is that the immunity frames granted by the worm hit saved him from the explosion. This same detonator was later used to spawn the Wall of Flesh.