Terraria Hardcore Season 1 (Sonicraft118) Ep. 1

From Hardcore Wiki

Welcome to Terraria! Ft Sketch and August

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

The episode begins with everyone cheering. Sonic goes over the cast. Neon, Phenomenal, Mario, Ruehl, and Mommavan are introduced as the regulars. Sonic falls into a pit of water and a thunderstorm is heard in the background of Don's mic. August is introduced as a new guest and Fletch is introduced as a returning guest from MineZ #2 (and also a last-minute guest). Sonic climbs out of the pit to see Neon jumping around in the water. The team disperses and starts work on a house (but Mario decides to fish). Sonic says that the goal is to defeat two of the three mechanical bosses and they make jokes about being a Leah's HC ripoff.

After gathering supplies, Sketch appears after dying in a "EPICORE casual." Sonic and Neon climb a giant tree and gather supplies from it while the rest of the team explores and builds. Fletch runs off to the desert by themselves as the "status quo." Mario and Sketch both go AFK. Neon gets trapped up in the tree as the day turns into night, while Ruehl shows off his new boomerang. He uses it to save Neon from a demon eye that gets him very low. Sketch returns while Don and Ruehl set off on a quest back to the tree, but it ends shortly as Don is surrounded by two zombies. Neon wants to go find wood to eat while Sketch and Ruehl brag about the stuff they found. Kool then freaks everyone out by switching to the red team, faking a death message, and because of his name "Sonicore" everyone thinks that it's Sonic. The entire team minus Mario and Fletch goes to the house.

Don, Kool, and Sketch start playing with the workbenches and form a cult. Ruehl and August adventure to the ice caves when Sonic declares that the group should split up as soon as it turns day. Sonic, Sketch, and Kool form a group and prepare to head out, with Sonic telling the remaining six players to split up as they please.

Deaths[edit | edit source]

No deaths this episode.