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Team Scallop/MineZ Hardcore 2

From Hardcore Wiki

Minez 2 is the sixth full season of Team Scallop, hosted by Ethan and edited by Cuub. The cast consists of Ethan, Cuub, Andrew7s, Pupzel, Shizam, Sophie, Mikey😈, and Danward. They are split into two teams - Team 1, consisting of Ethan, Pupzel, Shizam and Dan, who must beat Maze of the Tenth, and Team 2, consisting of Cuub, Andrew, Sophie and Mikey, who must beat Devil's Respite. Upon meeting up, the remaining survivors' goal is clearing Sunken Mire.

Episodes[edit | edit source]

# Episode Name Release Date Link
0 alt_m_demo.mp4 Nov 30, 2020 [0]
1 Simulation Bootup Dec 23, 2020 [1]
2 Return to the Maze Dec 25, 2020 [2]
3 Fight Like the Devil Jan 4, 2021 [3]
4 Vanquish the Virus Jan 6, 2021 [4]
5 Journey to the Mire Jan 7, 2021 [5]
6 Enter the Spider's Den Jan 8, 2021 [6]

Deaths[edit | edit source]

Name Character Username Episode of Death Cause of Death Last Words
Andrew Chungus Nanami ("Danganronpa") EffeminateFellow 1 Killed by a trap chest Zombie. "Dean died. Pffft."
Pupzel Crewmate (Among Us) KenaleBros 2 Chased down by a Baby Pigman and killed. "AAAAAH! OH!"
Dan Papi (Beverly Hills Chihuahua) Danwardd 2 Brought to low HP by a horde of zombies, he was finished off by Ethan. "I'M DEAD, I'M DEAD!"
Sophie All the bevs of the rainbow rosevevo_ft645AR 3 Was knocked off a ledge by jelloy and died to fall damage as Rose killed them. "No. AHA!"
Mikey Satchbags Palec_ 4 Accidentally backed off a platform and died to fall damage. "*gasp* Godammit."
Shizam Mick Jones (The Clash) Shizambrine 5 Missed the fall at the entrance to Sunken Mire and died of fall damage. "I'm.. i'm nervous. I think i'm gonna miss. Woooooooooomp..."
Cuub Tetrominoes given life (Tetris) Cuubster 6 Failed a jump and drowned to death. "I think I finally understand why they call this "Sunken Mire.""
Ethan Arthur (Call of Duty: Black Ops II) EthanComma 6 Joined Cuub in drowning to death after failing a jump. "This is the end, old friend."

Player Portraits[edit | edit source]

Intro Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Are you guys recording Scallop?" - Ethan


"90% of this game is walking, and the other 10% is dying!" - Cuub

"Dean died. Pffft!" - Andrew7s

"Spongebob, i don't have foreskin, don't ask me again!" - Pupzel "AAAAAH! OH!" - Pupzel

"Dude, i'll be with you every step of the way." - Shizam "Woooooooooomp..." - Shizam

"Satchbags said the name of my favorite Danganronpa character!" - Sophie "No. AHA!" - Sophie

"It's Satchell like a bag Drakes! Stop talking!" - Mikey "*gasp* Goddammit." - Mikey

"Hola. Look me in the fucking eyes and tell me that you love me." - Dan "OH, I'M FUCKED! I'M DEAD, I'M DEAD!" - Dan

*Bold text symbolizes the quote after that person has died.

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